Fallout 4K2 - Video Series with Kyle and Kira

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:21 pm

Hello everyone! Kira and I have a new series we're doing where we are playing through Fallout 4 together. So come check it out if you'd like a more story-appreciative or anolytical view of the series with the perspective of two players working together. The series is in 1080p, and is released twice a week.

Check it out! -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gS4UfUFkpjI

This series is a companion series to another one we've been doing, called https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxtobl8eeyc, where we play New Vegas with 888 mods installed. So check out that one too.

S1 - Apocalypse





I'd appreciate some of you guys watching and perhaps supplying some feedback? We go for a more intelligent but still witty or amusing experience.

Oh, and please, take it easy with spoilers, okay?

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Donald Richards
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:33 pm

Hey guys, I just wanted to update this thread. We are three hours into the game now, having just joined the Brotherhood. I know many of you are further into the game, but feel free to watch if you'd like to see our take on it. We don't rush.

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Victoria Vasileva
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:02 am

More terrible youtubers...
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 12:01 am

In before the lock. You're not supposed to advertise on the forums.
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kirsty williams
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:41 pm

Yeah.... think I'll stick with Gopher, thanks...

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R.I.p MOmmy
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 10:27 pm

Why is your video series called 4K if it's only 1080p?

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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:13 am

Wow, that is a really hurtful comment. I disagree of course. We don't try to be the best, but certainly no harm done?

That's not true. I looked up and down the forum rules:

"Please do not use these forums to advertise your non-Elderscrolls, Fallout or Bethesda developed or produced related forum/website/You Tube site."

"Bumping, or posting to bring your thread to the front is also considered spam here. If you have asked a question and it has not been answered, please be patient. If it falls to the third page or so, you may post to bring it forward once after several hours but doing so more than once will get your topic closed and a warning for spam."

It is only against the rules if it is a non-Bethesda series. This is Fallout in the appropriate forum. Also, we patiently waited several hours before making the first post.

If a moderator suggests there's an issue, I'm completely open to discussing the matter.

That's fine. People have their preferences. I'd appreciate it if you'd at least give it a shot, but I can't make you watch. I'm just putting this out there for those who might be interested.

It is Fallout 4K2, a dual-commentary between Kyle and Kira. It is literally explained in the first seconds of the video... : / 4k means other things besides texture resolution.


All in all, some feedback is better than no feedback, but I was kinda hoping for a more accepting community.

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krystal sowten
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:35 am

Nobody wants your YouTube spam here sorry...Waiting for staff to lock...

Go spam reddit...
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 2:56 am

Ok, so I watched about 48m of the video and here is my honest feedback.

1) You should be using Twitch rather than YouTube for this kind of game. Having an audience to interact with would add more interest. Allowing your audience to interact with you in real-time and vice versa adds value and makes it more interesting. Watching an hour long YouTube video of 2 people I never see play thru the first part of the game Ive already played through is kinda boring.

2) Your videos should be shorter, 20-30m tops. If you utilize Twitch then your YouTube videos should just emphasize the highlights with voice over commentary. This gives you time to point out the important bits while providing feedback to new players and also gives you time to research if there are alternate routes to take while making decisions.

3) Kira needs to be more vocal if she is going to be 1/2 of the presentation. Most of her replies were 'Yup' 'Yeah' 'Yeep' etc..

4) When using terminals or accessing notes its important to read out loud what you are reading, I was 'watching' this while working so it was on another monitor I wasn't looking at all the time, hearing you comment on something you read without actually reading it aloud gave no context and left a lot of empty air which doesn't help to garner my attention.

5) You seem to be a die hard Fallout fan as you know the history of other vaults, characters, locations, etc. So try to incorporate that into the play time by providing context and background info on these items whenever they are relevant.

6) You're playing for an audience so you may need to adjust your play style to provide more entertainment, otherwise its just watching you play the game for the hell of it - which brings me back to point 1, you should be using Twitch. Look at Overboard Gaming, they are a 2 man team that stream daily and they make it work and are pretty entertaining guys.

Just my .02 cents

It wasn't terrible but it definitely needs some work if this is something you plan on continuing throughout the life cycle of the game.

6/10 - would probably watch again in the future

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Naomi Ward
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:19 am

Thanks BuzZxKillntoN, I'll definitely take your feedback into consideration, and I'll make sure that Kira sees this.

I'm not sure if you wanted specific replies or not, but here is a few:

I'll look into Twitch. We record ahead, so I can't promise anything here yet, but I'll definitely consider it. I do think we could vary up the commentary like you said. As for the terminals and notes, the problem there is that if we read the whole thing, we use up a bunch of time that could've been used doing more interesting parts of the game. We don't want to skip over it, but our compromise is usually to skim and summarize. You think just reading it is the best option? I'll also try to bring up Fallout history more often and take what you said and incorporate it. I appreciate you taking the time to review, and I hope we can improve for people like you.

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Erika Ellsworth
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Post » Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:50 am

Well reading it to yourself and summarizing is worse IMO because of the dead air. If you read it out loud and add some personality to it that would be more interesting I think. Its really up to you, just offering some suggestions.

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Sabrina garzotto
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:44 pm

Or... I could just play the game???

All power to you though, if people soak this stuff up then capitalize man.

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