When we think of the Fallout Universe as a whole, often times the first thoughts that come to mind are a retro-futuristic United States, nuclear war and atomic shelters (namely the Vaults). Now on the other hand, from time to time we are subjected to the long running debate about aliens and whether or not they are part of the Fallout canon, or simply a clich? inclusion which was to reflect the popularity of shows such as the X-Files (which at the time of the production, had become one of the many staples of American television). Now, obviously Fallout is known for including references to pop culture (everything from Silence of the Lambs to Godzilla). Now what if I were to tell you, that the people who believe that "aliens" are actually correct and that aliens are as much a part of the Fallout canon, as energy weapons and the SLR. Many of you would probably think that I was simply joking, or that perhaps I'd finally developed an affinity for Bethesda's Fallout 3, but no this is not the case. Instead, I came by this theory, on the basis of the inclusion of one of the Britain's signature television series?.Doctor Who. Now for those of you that remember, at one time PBS used to play episodes of this rather poor production value, but interesting show (generally between 1-4 in the morning). For those of you that don't remember this "icon" of public television, and from what I remember though my memory of the show is fairly vague, but Jon Pertwee, a Brigadier General(and his regiment who wore the SAS sand colored beret) and a rather vast assortment of female assistants, assisted the British Government in investigating and fighting against everything from living mannequins to Daleks(something that resembles a cross between a garbage can and scrap metal scavenged from a Lada & a plumbers tool box). Now later on the series, apparently Jon Pertwee left(or maybe was killed?.I'm not entirely clear on why he disappeared, perhaps much like James Bond, the character just "evolved" over time) and was replaced by a fellow wearing an overcoat and a strangely colored scarf. Now at this point, probably many of you are wondering, what low budget science fiction from the United Kingdom (broadcast on PBS), has to do with Fallout? Well, here's the long awaited answer to your question?.In one episode of Doctor Who (starring Jon Pertwee's replacement), Doctor Who and some of his assistants land on the home planet of the Daleks. The whole planet had been ravaged by nuclear war, and though the war between the Dalek faction and their enemy continued, the men still fighting this war could have easily fit in to "Mad Max", or any other post-apocalyptic setting. Now fast-forward to "Fallout 1", where the Vault Dweller, runs into a mysterious British Police Box from the 1960's?.and later the footprint of a massive reptile, perhaps even that of a dinosaur (which Jon Pertwee fought in one episode). Also, later on the Vault Dweller's adventure, he must defeat a mutated human (formerly Richard Moreau), but now known as "The Master" (who also happened to be an adversary of Doctor Who, who unsuccessfully attempted to take control of a Royal Navy test facility). Now obviously, this is all speculation based on coincidences, but just think about it for a minute?..we have aliens, nuclear war and "Doctor Who". Therefore in conclusion, I submit to you, that the world of Fallout is actually the home world of the Daleks prior to their conversion into a plumber's abomination.