I added the game to my steam wishlist but I won't purchase until a sale. I can wait a year or two before buying it on sale.
I added the game to my steam wishlist but I won't purchase until a sale. I can wait a year or two before buying it on sale.
are you joking? this makes the chances of a 64 bit release almost tangible. no more instability due to memory shortage? I hope beyond hope this is true. They could have done this with FO3, i have been waiting a long time
why wouldn't it work on their PC? I'm running it just fine on win7 x64 right now. They just need to tweak some .ini files and they are good to go; the worst case scenario is that they have to limit the amount of processor cores they use.
You weren't paying attention during the Duke Nukem Forever years then?
From about 2001 to 2011, Amazon had that game down for 31st of December release every year that it didn't come out. It eventually released in March 2011,
It's a placeholder.
I find that hard to believe. Releasing it then will mean that they completely miss the Christmas buying rush. I doubt Bethesda would be foolish enough to do that, Nov. 31 would seem much more likely.
There is no discount to preordering, so there is no advantage to paying for it early. Going to wait till more info comes out.
As a faithfully loyal fan of Bethesda/Fallout I have already pre ordered the game for PC, from GameStop. My only concern now is finding out the system requirements, so that I can purchase the necessary video card and power supply, if needed. I already possess the necessary CPU and RAM. I have faith in you Bethesda.
With regards,
This is simply false. Most games can be pre-ordered well in advance of a month let alone 7 days. What rock have you been hiding under?
I think it's a smart business move on Bethesda's part. Look at all the hype and speculation they have from a short trailer.
Bethesda has never wronged me, so to some limit I feel they're in their right minds to give way for pre-orders. They could be doing it because they know how long we've waited, and they know we want this no matter what. And to be honest, damn right. I've waited for Fallout 4 and by golly we've got it! Pre-ordered immediately.
I say it'll be ready by October 2015.
All HD Fallouts were released in October.
3, FNV.
Besides, the Great War took place on October 24, 2077.
There is a discount at the moment and there will likely be bonus content for pre-ordering. Little things that would probably be included in the ultimate/GOTY editions, but you would get them earlier.
Currently Green Man Gaming is offering a 23% discount that will end soon.
It is rare for a game to be available by companies that did not develop games within 7 days (much less an hour) of the announcement. Read the explanation in the first page comments. It makes sense.
The new steam console is coming out in october and the last few years valve and bethesda have been pretty chummy. I wouldn't be surprised if the plan is to release the Steam console right along with FO4, I can't think of a better opportunity for them to do so.
Update on the release date:
It is hard to say whether this is speculation on behalf of GameStop, a leak, or just promo, but a release date has been released by an Italian Gamestop!
The company listed the game's release as October 23, 2015. This is significant for several reasons, but before I go on I must cite MrMattyPlays on Youtube for making me aware of this, though much of the research is my own. You can find his channel here:
He does excellent Fallout coverage and has been covering Fallout 4 since the end of Fallout 3. He also accurately predicted the release date from extensive research of the Fallout 4 announcement a week before it was officially announced.
So what is significant about October 23rd, 2015?
Well, for one thing it is in 2015! Though the placeholder and Bethesda's own site have suggested that the game will be released in 2015, this is very important for everyone wondering.
Secondly, that is the date of the Great War. This leads me to suspect that Gamestop is speculating because I don't believe that they would actually know the date and it's highly plausible that one of its employees just decided to post that for hype. While Bethesda loves referencing its own games as well as others in little Easter Eggs, that would mean a 4 month period from announcement to release, which is unheard of for Bethesda. I would expect an early December release date if anything.
Thirdly, that date is, as Mr. Matty pointed out, a Friday, which is the most popular day on which anyone would release a game. This gives a "release weekend," which every gaming company loves to get. It certainly appears as though the stars were aligned for this date.
Fourthly, all of the HD Fallout games and Skyrim were all released in October.
Why do I think that this release date is plausible?
Well, GameStop Italy has already leaked games in the past! Another game I've been incredibly interested in, Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Seige (The BETA is awesome!), had its release date leaked on the same site.
Bethesda itself posted yesterday that it was coming in 2015, though oddly today it just says "TBA." Suspicious...
Lastly, everyone is expecting a 2015 release date! There are skeptics among us that are calling as late as Fall of 2016, but most major sites (perhaps abusing our hope) predict a 2015 release. A release this year would be sensible because the economy is doing very well and holiday spending is expected to be the highest in the last 13 years (shoutout to CNN Money). Additionally, I think everyone is tired of the long delays that accompanied the DLCs for Fallout New Vegas and Skyrim and would like to get the game as early as possible.
Why do I think the date might be fake?
Simple: greed. There's a lot of promo if you are the first to leak a game's date. Fallout, which has had serious speculation for years that goes so far as bribing Bethesda employees, stalking Fallout Developers, and monitoring the FTC for trademark applications relating to Fallout. But the thing is that there is no reason GameStop should have a date yet! It's likely that they don't even have inventory, but rather a cursory copy for their website and maybe posters. Granted, Bethesda hasn't been very "traditional" about the game's release by allowing distribution outlets to sell the game immediately following its announcement and undertaking several massive cover-ups to protect that game's development only to give us 24 hours of warning for the announcement.
Signing off, I'll leave you with the same advice I leave everyone: Tune-in to their E3 presentation! We really won't know until then. I'm just trying to give you guys and myself the earliest warning I can and to give you hope. I also need to justify the hours of research I've been doing and say that it has had some beneficial impact on society.
-The Boomlord
The release of the pre-order will also give the Devs a good idea as to how much interest there is in the title. Although personally I don't think they have much to fear, the IP has always been very popular. It has certainly piqued my interest.
Pre-orders and announcements for a title can also generate interest in previous titles which leads to more sales. I only have F:NV on a digital download platform and the rest are physical copies which may or may not work anymore so there's a chance I may even buy some of the previous titles from a digital download platform.
All Dates are placeholders until Bethesda announces the release date and even then it might not be correct because sometimes you may have to delay the release.
Likely someone at the Gamestop is aware of the October 23rd date for Fallout and that Fallout games are released around that date in the past.
Also a good portion of games at least the AAA games are released on Tuesdays and that is so the developers or at least the team working on fixing bugs will not have to come in on the weekend (or they hope they do not have to) They would have a day or two to make a hot fix if needed and have it out by Friday.
A good portion of games will have a bug fix on day one or shortly after the game is released since with the internet developers are working on the game to the release date and even beyond the release date.
Oh shi... I just realized something. What else of valves coming out around that time(ish)? The VIVE. What if F4 is VIVE compatible? That would blow everyone away if the F4 Supported the vive. That could be a game changer there and would actually excite the hell out of me.
It doesn't make sense.
i don't know what weed you are smoking but it is obviously strong stuff. I have seen pre-orders available on amazon and game stop for SWTOR before it was available on origin. It happens. Games that are part of large IPs have had preorder sales before there is a soft let alone a hard release date. You might not have been aware of it but this isn't odd, nor strange. nor all that noteworthy in its peculiarity aka because it isn't peculiar. Its noteworthy in that pre-order culture hurts the us as consumers but that is a totally different topic.