Fallout 4 and Beyond - What formula should they stick to

Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:21 am

OK post your views in here!
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evelina c
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Post » Wed May 18, 2011 7:27 pm

I just sent this in a PM to him before I saw this thread.

Let's not derail that topic anymore, first of I will say that I enjoyed playing F3 immensly all the way up-until NV came out; I will say that it would have been a good game if it was entirely original and not been in the Fallout Universe. Now the reasons why I think that F3 is a poor Fallout Game and doesn't make sense:

#1 The Vaults aren't social experiments:

The Vaults are social experiments set-up by the Enclave before the war and the ability to moniter them was built into their only base the ENCLAVE - an offshore Oil Rig. All of the Vault Experiments in the first games were pretty basic things, some Vault's couldn't produce as much food, others had a lot of mixed ethnicities and backgrounds, having no televisoin tapes or that they opened only six months after the war. You change one thing and then see what happens; somehow that became in F3:

87 - A military super soldier programme - contradicting the Enclave and the social experiments - in a Vault that was finished in 2071 despite the FEV that makes Super Mutants not being invented until 2075.

92 - Another super soldier programme except this time using noise and mental suggestioning, again not a social experiment.

106 - I will give Bethesda some credit in that this Vault wasn't their idea, but I still think that it's stupid.

108 - Clones, again no social experiment.

112 - Merely an old mans playground, not a social experiment testing the affects of anything.

#2 The Enclave

I will keep this brief, the Enclave had only one base in Fallout 2 and a camp on the mainland, i.e. a temporary military enplacement; they didn't have a lot of citizens (yes citizens, they aren't just an army. They have civilians, politicians, democratically elected officials) and yet they apparently appeared in such strength on the East Coast. I think that they were the most cliche, overtly evil, cannon-fodder storm troopers I've seen since the Borgia in Assassin's Creed; here's how much Bethesda didn't care about them aside from making them just basic henchmen to be mown down, you know every NPC has dialouge that they say to eachother when they're just milling around? The Enclave don't they just walk around saying 'Hello' to eachother, they couldn't even be bothered to make them say things outside of combat.

And then even at the end of Broken Steel they have the downright audacity to say that 'I wouldn't be surprised if the Enclave came back one day." [censored]. Just kill them off already for [censored]s sake they aren't that big of an organisation. They are supposed to be the ultimate of quality over quantity; one Enclave trooper should be able to [censored] up the whole of Megaton, not get destroyed en masse and just stand pathetically in the way of a 50ft robot.

#3 Libert Prime

What I said earlier, just cheap and non-sensical how they resurrected him despite the pre-war government not being able to.

#4 Unbelievable World

D.C is supposed to be 200 years after the bombs fell but it looks like just 10 years; yeah it's quite well realised and atmospheric but then they should have made it a prequal, I believe in continuity and constistancy and if the only way that they could have a D.C. like it was was to set it in the past then that's what they should have done. Another thing, buildings across the road from nuclear craters are completely fine. There's no agriculture anywhere despite http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Hilltop_farm_ruins_terminal_entries l making it clear that not only was agriculture possible in D.C. but it was alos possible immediately after the war and they even built an irrigation system.

#5 Harkness

Harkness is the most unbelievable piece of technology in Fallout aside from the Seirra Madre Vending Machines; remember how large Eden was? Well aparently the technology exists not only to create life out of computers and small enough to fit into a robot body the size of a man but also that the robot body is completely indistinguishable from a human being even to the robot itself. Harkness even mentions that he shaves for [censored]s sake, does little robot stubble grow from his chain? Does he have a full digestive system? And on top of all this he is an intelligent machine?

There are other reasons why I dislike F3 but I have another chapter of my fan-fic to write so I'lll let this suffice.
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Post » Thu May 19, 2011 3:07 am

Please use http://www.gamesas.com/index.php?/topic/1194408-fallout-4-speculations-suggestions-and-ideas-20/ for discussing Fallout 4.
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Georgine Lee
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