This is the most common complaint: Randomly, right after opening a door the screen will freeze. The music continues but you are unable to control the game in any way and MUST ctrl-alt-del fallout3.exe from task manager to exit the game. This can also occur randomly while roaming the wasteland, usually right around the time the game loads new assets (which in non-freezing instances is accompanied by a brief 'stutter' as data is streamed off the hd) and again the game will suddenly freeze with the music continuing to play. This is a random occurrence, you can so several hours without seeing it or you might see it immediately upon beginning a new game. Many of us unlucky players may run into it more often than not including several times in under an hour!
The issue is often attributed to Windows 7 but this is NOT TRUE! Windows 7 is used a scapegoat because the game's official requirements do no support it. Underneath the hood, Windows 7 is not much different than Windows Vista. The truth is that this very issue has been encountered since the game was released and is directly attributed to having more than two CPU cores, not the operating system. The reason it is more common now is because quad cores and Intel i5 CPUs with four threads are very common and in most instances they run Windows 7 so it is mistaken as a Windows 7 issue. I'll repeat that again, Windows 7 is NOT the problem, it has something to do with having more than two CPU cores. If you have an Intel i3, i5, i7, or any triple/quad+ core AMD CPU you WILL have this freezing issue REGARDLESS of operating system (it will happen on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 in all their 32/64-bit variants)
There are many often-cited solutions (even by mods) that some report as being successful but this has not been the case in my extensive testing. Here are a couple of suggestions along with my results:
Changing "bUseThreadedAI=1" and adding "iNumHWThreads=2" to the .ini file - I can tell you that changing any of the 'threaded' values in the .ini file to "1" is absolute rubbish, leave them all at their default values. Many of these are deprecated settings that are not even used in Fallout 3 and you can verify this with console commands. Some of these 'threading' settings have a completely different name in game than their .ini equivalents and this was most likely purposely done so users would not change the .ini settings. For example, iNumHavokThreads has a completely different name in game so you can go to town and set this to 9000 but it will have no effect since it doesn't read or recognize that line. You can verify this with console commands or using the GECKcustom.ini file (generated using GECK). I repeat, changing "bUseThreadedAI=1" has NO EFFECT ON THE GAME and could possibly even have negative results. Don't mess with it
"iNumHWThreads=2" does appear to have an effect on the game but it will not exactly solve our freezing issue. This tells the game you have two hardware threads (two cores) and can be verified in the RenderInfo.txt file. This DOES NOT limit the number of threads that the game uses which is around 40 (you can see this in task manager). In the background your operating system will distribute these threads to your cores as applicable. This WILL stop the game from freezing BUT instead it will crash to desktop. This might be desirable to some rather than ending the process from task manager, but limiting your available threads might have a negative impact on performance. So it is your choice - put up with freezing and ending using task manager OR in the spots where the game freezes it will CTD instead but performance might potentially be affected. Still not a solution but it does indicate the game may have trouble in load balancing on over two hardware threads with the in-game engine.
Changing CPU affinity - Either via task manager (which can cause the game to be unstable) or via a batch file you can tell the operating system to limit the number of cores that the game uses. DO NOT DO THIS!!! The game won't freeze but it WILL CTD just the same as above. Unlike the .INI change, you WILL see reduced performance. Oddly, running a similarly or lower clocked Core 2 Duo will give better performance than a Core i7 with two cores disabled even with hyperthreading turned off. I have no idea why this is the case, but either way it doesn't fix our issue!
Any other Placebo fix such as Defragging, other .ini changes (seriously, don't mess with the .ini unless you want more problems), unofficial mods and patches, disabling autosave etc - None of these work. I've tried... Performing any of the .ini changes from the unofficial tweak guide will cause the game to become less stable and negatively impact audio and framerate.
Trust me on this, I've done extensive testing and have concluded that there is no fix. You can either put up with it or alter it (with the iNumHWThreads=2 which still might have a negative performance impact). This is what I can tell you about the freezing - it happens when the game engine loads a new area which is called a "Cell". An interior Cell is loaded when opening a door. An exterior Cell is an area such as Megaton or all of the Capital Wasteland. These are loaded when exiting an interior area or on-the-fly in the background (usually accompanied by a brief stutter while streaming from the hd). Randomly when this occurs the game will freeze as mentioned above. This does NOT happen on a Core 2 Duo or similar dual core CPU - the game will run practically rock solid. In fact, in a prior pre-DLC version of the game I never experienced even a CTD using a Core 2 Duo AND Windows 7. It was only after the GOTY edition where I noticed very rare CTDs usually in areas related to DLC such as the UFO. After upgrading to a Core 2 Quad and later an i7 did I encounter the freezing the same as many others have. The freezing also affects AMD triple core CPUs and strangely Intel i3 CPUs without hyperthreading. It is strange that the i3s are affected but this might have something to do with sharing the architecture of the other CPUs. That could also indicate the issue has nothing to do with the number of cores at all, but I'm not an expert so I couldn't say!
So in conclusion, if you've read this far that is (I appreciate it!) Fallout 3 has freezing problems when loading new areas on modern CPUs. This problem has existed since the game launched nearly four years ago but wasn't widely reported because triple core and quad core CPUs were rare. It has NOTHING TO DO WITH WINDOWS 7 and if you have a quad core you'll even get the same freezing with Windows XP. Even though the game hasn't been updated in years, I would hope that somebody would recognize that there is a problem which has existed since the initial shipping version which affects systems that met the requirements. Therefore, Windows 7 should not be used as a scapegoat because it is irrelevant (again, happens in Vista and XP!). New Vegas does not seem to have this issue, although it will CTD far more often than Fallout 3 and does so during loading occasionally which might indicate it still exists but is 'hidden'.