Fallout and wii u

Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 4:36 am

No keep motion control out of fallout! peroid
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 8:28 pm

I didn't even think the Wii U has motion controls. I thought it was a controller type thing.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:19 pm

The only new aspect would be motion, and if they want to do that they already had the chance to do it on the Kinect.

I was actually thinking of the touchscreen controller, that could be used for various things like the Pip Boy, V.A.T.S. targeting or lockpicking. And if the grafics are as good as they say, it could be a big competitor for Microsoft and Sony.
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 5:22 pm

If Nintedo re-makes the N64,Then maybe.
Other than that,No!

What in the flim flam sam are you saying? Are you suggesting that Nintendo no only remake antiquated gaming technology but also somehow port and next-generation game onto it? Do you understand time and technology?
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Post » Sun Jul 17, 2011 2:36 pm

I think it would work (at least for me). I don't think it will happen. Part of Nintendo's (very successful) business strategy appears to be avoiding head-to-head competition with the PC/Xbox/PS3 crowd. Nintendo focuses on innovation and gameplay, while the others focus on adding more video RAM and copying Nintendo's more successful creations (Kinect, anyone?). Nintendo could add some fun aspects to Fallout gameplay with the new Wii U console, but the audience for Fallout would probably just moan about how it looks better on the PS4/Xbox820/whatever.

Nintendo didn't engage in direct competition with the other platforms of this generation because they were marketing towards a different demographic to the others. But it is a fair point that Nintendo consoles in general don't often have muti-platform games (except shovelware with the PS2 but I tend to block stuff like that from my memory). However, the Wii U seems to be bucking this trend with Batman: Arkham City (which I'm super-duper excited about) and a Battlefield game (was that actually confirmed?). All-in-all I think it's uncertain, but unlikely that Fallout will come to the Wii U and the lack of knowlege and support in this topic shows why. The "hardcoe" gamer hasn't kept up-to-date on Nintendo. There is little cross-over in fans of the Fallout series and fans of current/next-gen Nintendo.
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