Post #68. The exact quote was: "Another point to make is the idea of voiced protagonist ruins role-plays as I can not longer role-play a snarky character, we have to deal with a pre-set voice instead of creating our own voices for the character. It's downright stupid add in the fact that we're limited to four options in dialogue that so far seem vague as hell."
I don't mean to pick on you in particular, but I think everyone could tone down the rhetoric a bit. There are an awful lot of people proclaiming that "they've ruined this" or "they svck at that". I have to believe that we're here on Bethesda's official forums because we're fans of their work, but you wouldn't know it from the nasty tone that some people take when commenting on the new content that we've seen.
Again, I don't mean to single out anyone in particular, but let's try to consider what we're saying about the devs whose work we enjoy.