Fallout 4 has no shortage of bugs, but I really like this game anyway.
+The FPS element of the game has been DRAMATICALLY improved from Fallout 3 and especially New Vegas. I get a good feel for where I'm aiming and enemies don't slide around like they did in New Vegas! I don't even find myself using VATS much.
+NO MORE WEAPON DURABILITY! Even non-power armor has no durability! Less tedious things to micro-manage that only serve to distract and inconvenience me.
+Wayyy better weapon/armor modifying system! Looots of choices- and you don't even necessarily need the perks to get the mods.
+Better leveling system. Skills were overshadowed by intelligence allowing you to get everything, making your character utterly generic and uninteresting. With the new perk system you still get to make a kind of character you like but you're actually making choices.
+Legendary weapons/armor keep loot interesting in a way Skyrim never did! I love wounding weapons.
When workshops get fixed up a bit more it'll add at least 3 things to this list.
Feel free to post more things.