Well, lucky for you. But a majority of Fallout players have so many crashes. Hell, I haven't read a review of Fallout NV that didn't mention the constant freezing so yeah. Anyways, we all have our opinion. Don't reply to this post, because I'm done with it.
I play on the 360 and had very few crashes. Hell, DA2 crashed a lot more often. I also didn't have crashing problems with fable 3. Both of those games pretty well svcked compared to FO:NV though (IMO).
That being said, I think it's AC against Fallout, not AC2 or Brotherhood against FO:NV. So, it's a series competition.
I love both game series, but Fallout is one of my first loves. Both series use stupid science, giant bugs? really? great in a game, bad science though.