Once upon a time Pax decided that the town of Megaton should be no more. But detonating the bomb would be fat to easy for such a hardened Wasteland dweller. Oh, no, my dear fellow gamers ? Pax decided to take out all the inhabitants of Megaton, one by one.
The task like that is not easy, so the preparations had to be made. The choice of weapon: the trusty mini-gun seemed to be the right tool for the job. Now, we all know that a mini-gun is a weapon almost impossible to weld for a human being. Fortunately the immense strength of Pax ? SPECIAL value of 4 ? allowed him to weld it with ease comparable only to the child playing with a feather.
But strength is not all when it comes to operating rapid-fire weapons. Anybody knows that without proper skills it is pretty much not feasible to hit as much as a wide side of the barn while shooting any repeater continuously. But that was not a problem for Pax: the awe-inspiring Big Gun skills of 28% proved once and again to make him an unbeatable foe.
Now he needed armor: he put his trust in the battle-proven RoboCo jumpsuit and reading glasses: many times the above saved his life while he took a several shots from an assault weapon straight in the chest.
Finally the time came for the supplied: anybody undertaking a task as big as wiping out a town knows this cannot be accomplished without proper resources. But Wasteland is an unforgiving place, where supplies are tough to find? Pax sighted heavily, while scraping from the bottom of his footlocker the hard-earned 325 Stimpaks and a mere 11342 rounds of 5mm ammo.
Now he was almost ready. The last thing to do was to test the power of his weapon on some unsuspecting innocent souls that aimlessly wander the Wasteland. The opportunity came quickly as some shapes started to move on the horizon: Pax squeezed the trigger and continued to fire until all movement seized.
He arrived at the location quickly to inspect the damage: yes, three innocent travelers were killed ? never having a chance. But how could they possible survive, when all they had for protection were some easily available items purchasable in every store in the Wastes ? like Power Armor and laser rifles for example.
The only downside tot his test was that Pax was left with only 10023 rounds of ammo and lost almost 20% of health points after the exchange with the doomed travelers.
To be continued...