» Wed May 09, 2012 8:48 pm
Fallout 3 was the reason I came back to PC. The main difference going from 360 and pad to PC was I didn't use VATS nearly as much, and I modded the crap out of it when I'd completed it a few times. New mods, new experiences, and a more beautiful looking game. Same story with New Vegas. It also meant I could return to the RTS/RTT games that I was sorely missing on console.
I was getting more and more annoyed with playing FPSs and FPS-type games on a pad. Ended up buying most of the shooters I'd owned on 360 for PC, and enjoying them all five-times more. The only annoying thing about owning a gaming rig is having to upgrade it, so after three years back on PC, and two upgrades later, I'm reminded of why I left my old PC in the dirt and moved over to consoles for games. Luckily I own both now. But honestly, this generation of consoles is in serious need of replacements. They're getting ooooooold.
I reckon if your laptop can run Empire and Shogun 2, it can probably handle New Vegas. But I won't vouch for stability, because since I reinstalled New Vegas a week ago, it's crashed a cack-ton of times, between areas, bringing up the Pip-Boy, entering a companions inventory... bleh, can't force a crash, it just seems utterly random. Can't be bothered looking for solutions, I'd rather just save often and restart as soon as it crashes. Spent far too many hours on Gamebyro games d icking around with my system - that runs everything else perfectly - to bother any more. lol