70 hours, never been "even seen from distance- Diamond City.
70 hours, never been "even seen from distance- Diamond City.
FO4 seems to be smaller, both in geography and quest depth. But nothing to base that one other than gameplay. DLC and mods will embiggen the game.
Fallout 4 is way bigger than Skyrim. Anyone who says otherwise doesn't know what they're talking about and rushed the game.
For me Fallout 4 feels smaller than Skyrim. And I wasn't yet much south of Boston. My feeling has much to do with the density of the settlements and the fast travel. The absence of in-the-game-travel-devices in Fallout forces you to fast travel much more than in Skyrim. I can only play Skyrim with fast travel disabled but I see this impossble in Fallout 4. I don't have the feeling of exploring a big wasted land in Fallout 4, just in the beginning it was there. BTW what does the danger of a radstorm mean when you can easily fast travel away and back?
To be honest I feel the exact opposite. The map feels tiny, but the expansiveness and intricacies of the city helps balance that out. It feels far smaller than Skyrim in terms of physical size, but feels way bigger in terms of things to do and places to explore.
Running from one edge of Skyrim to the other is surprisingly fast. Probably the same with Fallout 4, Fallout 3 on the other hand is far smaller both map size and number of quests than FO4 and Skyrim.
Now one difference between Fallout 4 and Skyrim is that Skyrim has lots of guild and faction quest lines you are railroaded into and who stand open even after doing the main quest.
In Fallout 4 its a bit easy to just do one faction and main quest and dooing main quest kill off the other factions.
there's twice the playable space in fallout 4, skyrims map is deceptive becaue the mountains take up a huge footprint and you're funneled in between the mountain ranges so its actually a half the traverasible area, so its the other way around, its less space and less to do also, not in way of quests so far but its got far less going on the map than fallout 4 which is just dense map for the most part, very dense in some areas.
To expand upon all the comments about both the density in Fallout 4 and the non-traversable areas in Skyrim...
One thing I'm loving in F4 is the verticality (I think that's the right buzzword...). In all the city areas - which cover a fair porttion of the map - You can get up on the roofs of most every building! Fire escapes and ramps are all over the place giving access to a huge world of raider camps and secret entrances in to buildings which don't always have ground-floor entrances and aren't always named locations (that is, a location with a map icon).
It's when you go 'up' in the world that you can really see the scale of the world. Go up to the top of Trinity Tower and enjoy the joy!
Skyrim feels like it has more content and replayability compared to FO4 imo. I dunno, for a bethesda game FO4 just feels a little less epic and grand than their previous games.
Well do more people like swords and bows, Or Guns and Lasers?
you did everything in 60 hours? no you didn't, thats a huge lie, sure you have fallout 4?, there is NO POSSIBLE WAY, you do everything in 60 hrs...its not possible, sorry but i doubt you do much exploring if you even actually have the game at all, to make a comment like " i did everything in 60 hrs" thats absurd and laughable.
I'm 120 hours in. The Castle is the furthest south that I've been, I have only been to Diamond City once for a quick look round, I haven't discovered every spot in the northern part of the map, I have only had Dogmeat and Garvey as companions - haven't even had the option to take another one yet. I have never met most of the factions that get mentioned in these threads. I played Skyrim as about six different characters but I reckon I'll be playiong FO4 for at least a further 500 hours before I feel the urge to roll another character.
So no, FO4 is not smaller than Skyrim by any measure.
Skyrim was way way way way bigger.
It took me literally months of play time to explore and clear every destination in Skyrim.
I started playing Fallout 4 2 weeks ago and have 3 days of play time in and I've explored almost everything.
I have a little exploring to do in the bottom left corner of the map, and that's all...
In Skyrim it took you easily 2 times (if not 3) as long to get across the map if you rode a horse than it does to walk it in Fallout 4.
That said, I enjoyed Fallout 4's story line and role playing a lot more than Skyrim.
Fallout is bigger.
I played through Skyrim twice, three times if you count a temp character I made as I messed up an achievement quest twice over. It was a fantastic experience but for me lacked replayability - exploring randomly wasn't as much fun and the combat not as involving.