Is it? I have less than 100 hours and I have nothing left to do :c
Is it? I have less than 100 hours and I have nothing left to do :c
Wow, well I have about 260 hours in and haven't finished exploring every nook and cranny...I have over half the map left to explore too.
I have 80-90 hrs in and have only done one faction quest and some main quest. There is a ton of stuff for me to do yet. As for map size I think it is bigger its just that a lot of it is urban making it feel smaller.
Pretty sure the map is smaller than Skyrims but it's way more dense with locations. Pretty sure this game has more quests too
Agreed, and to me the fact that Skyrim had a lot of cities, towns, and settlements contributed to that feeling.
No where near as big as skyrim.
The forced story upon play limits what you can do. But even then, it takes 20 minutes to get from 1 corner to the other.
60 hours in, and there is nothing to do apart from explore maybe 20 more small [censored] locations, do some average side missions... meh.
Incredibly dissapointed in FO4, no REAL replayability at all.
I've played Skyrim a lot. It said I had gotten 43% of the way through the game when I ran in to a bug that forced me to start the entire game over. So, I took a break from it for quite a while and then came back to start over from the beginning again. It said I had completed 40% of the game and I found it too hard to upgrade things so I just gave up on playing it.
Judging by my experiences with Skyrim I'd have to say it's quite a bit bigger. It seems that the quests were more in depth and were harder to complete. It's super hard until you realize you can zoom in on those frickin' claws and they show you what order to put the symbols in. Grr.
The thing about Fallout 4 though, it never ends if you set up settlements. And it's random so it doesn't seem to get repetative. I had a Death Clow show up at Red Rocket last night. I've got well over 100 hours in and it's the first time that happened, and I spend most of my time tinkering with settlement.
I love Skyrim, but it just doesn't seem to flow well for me.
Wow. This is what happens when you take a singular "Wooo! I beat the game in 2.5 seconds and have all the achievements!" mentality toward a sandbox RPG game. If you've truly accomplished all there is to "discover and do" in this game aka ---doing the endgame by playing ALL 3 factions, playing as a female, completing ALL side, faction, and miscellaneous quests, read ALL the notes littering the wasteland, hacked ALL the terminals and read all of those log entries, experienced ALL random world encounters, found all the collectibles to include PA, their unique color paint schemes etc. etc. all under the span of 100 hrs--then you're probably the most prolific gamer I've ever met.
Based on what you just said, you're the perfect example of what an achievement gamer is. All about how fast you can arrive at the destination and not the journey. And if that's the case, then perhaps consider playing AC Syndicate, Black Flag, or AC2 Brotherhood. Or if that style of game play isn't linear/easy enough for you to beat in under 10 seconds or less, then consider beating your personal record on previous games. Try replaying Saints Row, GTAO, CoD, BF3 or some other mindless and repetitive shooter game. Because it doesn't sound like the fallout series is for you.
I've read its possible to beat Skyrim in 20 hours.
I have never beaten Skyrim and have way more hours in that many...
bethesda games offer more than just quests, you might of done all the main quests, but there is no possible way you have fully explored or even partly fully explored the map, just having the locations marked on the map and finishing the main quest doesn't count as "finishing" the game
Wow, really? I'm over 60 hours in and still haven't finished t he main quest or several of my sides quest. That's not even mentioning the quests I haven't even run into yet, nor the many locations of the map I haven't been to yet.
If you're 60 hours in, and not finding anything to do, simply put, you're just not trying. There's still tons of stuff to do 60 hours in, you just need to go out and find it.
Of course it is entirely possible Fallout just isn't your game. Nothing wrong with that, it happens. You'll find something that sparks your interest eventually.
yeahhh no really, Fallout map is almost the same size of Skyrim, with the only differences that u have less uneven terrain, not to mention a huge mountain in the middle. By the way it take 12m to go from corner to corner on skyrim
the variety in locations is just so much bigger
Skyrim repeats itself pretty often with the similar looking castles, dwemer ruins, caves over and over which stretches the content quite a lot
F4 on the other hand seems to finally have different locations... I've discovered 100+ so far and none of them looked like any other
the only thing that repeats is the Red Rocket Station and that's not even a location on the map most of the time
F4 seems bigger to me because of that
they're both huge games
120 hours in and just got done following my dog as he tracks down an old pal of mine.
92 hrs in on a Level 60 character, and I still have tons to do like rebuilding the castle or better yet finding all the magazines.
From what I hear it's not close to the size of Skyrim... I am still a very low level, so I'm looking forward to exploring the Commonwealth much more!
maybe you haven't really played the game, no possible way to do every quest and kill all enemies in every dungeon in 100 hrs, sorry not possible i'm almost thinking you might not really have the game
lol bruh you need to chill. you concocted that assumption based on that one sentence.