Blue jumpsuits for men, pink for women, black for security, white for social security, gold for overseers, silver for directors, coordinators and advisers while copper was for the supervisors, foremen and watchers. Outcasts wore red and criminals wore vertical striped grey and brown jumpsuits. Androids wore orange jumpsuits. Nulls wore grey jumpsuits as did beastfolk, the chimpnoids and gorillanoids. Chunky humanoid robodroids, halfway between androids and robots, had the fake appearance of wearing grey jumpsuits.
Organised on the surface and barely organised in reality, life in TekVault-101 was cramped, arid and basic for most. The Elite lived a mundane life style by Prewar Elite standards but they were much better off than were the Servitors who were much more better off than Commoners. Elitors, they called them, those of the Vault-Elite. The main habitation sectors of the vault were known as the Vault-Elite, Vault-Midway and Vault-Commons they were called.
One million people were in the great sprawling TekVault-101 of modular structures linked by the Vaultway tunnels for hover, wheeled and rail traffic. One million people starting to spill out into gen-engineered caverns lit and warmed by glowcrystal or suncrystal that supported life in bigger seminatural caverns. Fringers, the Outcasts and their descendents, struggled to grow exotic crops in the caverns while fighting off mutated threats and gen-engineered monsters left over from the Doom-War (World War Four).
A young man named Archavo was born in TekVault-101 and was of a Servitor Family half way between the Elitors above and the Commoners below. He was of above average grades and other achievements. He largely kept to himself except for a small bunch of carefully selected friends who were mostly those others would not bother having as friends. He had two hard working parents who were careful not to be too noticed by either the government or the rebels. He played sports, rode a bicycle through the vault cycleways as many did and did a good deal in super virtual reality.
But he had his secrets.
Yes, there were rebels but they were generally weak, divided and constantly being hunted by the Political Police, the Security Police and the dreaded Department of Security Intelligence, or DSI.
He also had some challenges and three problems.

Archavo dived, wary and a little frightened, to one side in his mazegame power armour. As Player #3 of the Maze Ranger Team, he was running a silver ball through the 3Dmaze towards a Maze Devils' goal-hoop. Even as he dropped into the side tunnel, a laser beam zapped through the air where he had been. This tunnel was rubbery and slimy but less so than the hallway he had been running along. Xmaze gaming zones changed constantly through out any given game in a supposedly random fashion but the Maze Master tended to favour the Elitist teams. Archavo did not care. He never had. It was just one more challenge. The young, tough man shot along the new tunnel, shot around a corner low, rolled and hurled the silver ball. It went clean through an enemy goal-hoop.
Chimes rang as the Maze Rangers won thirty-three points. The HUD on his helmet visor confirmed it. The Maze Rangers had won the first game of the three games to be played between the Maze Rangers and the Maze Devils. It was an upset win. Nobody had expected Servitor Class, players from the middle ranks of society, to win against Elitors. Much of it was due to his high playing skill and much was also due to the over confidence of the opposing team who had assumed automatic victory for themselves.
An urgent message came up on his HUD that briefly enraged him. The Maze Master had decided the last scored points were in error and should go to the other team instead. He incited electronic faulting. This was not only falsehood but blatant attempted cheating to favour the Maze Devils over the Maze. But in a moment another message came from the Game Umpire, stating that the Maze Master did not have the authority to make such a decision. The message was negated. The thirty-three points would go to the Maze Rangers along with a bonus three points awarded to the team as compensation for the Maze Master's breaking of game code and regulations.
Archavo waited to be brought out of super virtual reality and back to normal awareness in his allocated capsulechair. Nothing happened. The Maze Master was not bringing him out, as he should have done, which was another breaking of game code and regulations. Sensing approaching danger, he turned and sprinted further along the tunnel, ducking under the goal-hoop that came vertical out from one wall, and darting around a corner. He slipped down a slope even as he pulled out his pulsepistol. Of course one could not kill another player in super virtual reality unless the Shock Trauma Safeties, STSs, were removed but that was hardly likely to happen. Surely even the Maze Master was not that stupid.
Then alarms rang and lights blinking warning red on his HUD even as the Maze Master switched off the STSs. The Master Maze has set him up and somebody was out to kill him. Was it simply because he had dared to lead his Servitor Class player filled team to victory? No, he suspected there was more to it than that. The leader of the opposing team was one Phil Philkins of the Elitor Philkins Family. Philkins had lost a Maze Solo Run trophy to Archavo and had been threatening the younger man ever since with a brutal death. Phil Philkins was a murderous lout dressed up in fancy Elitor gear and, if he needed to show it, good social manners.
Archavo was afraid for that was smart, especially because the enemy were well trained and experienced, especially thanks to their Elitor life style which allowed them access to greater personal resources.
Then he grinned for he saw an opportunity to finally do away with a threat in a legal self defence manner.
The first thug, a woman, came around a corner before him, diving low to shoot him with her pulsepistol while causing him to miss. He leapt upwards, her pulsebullet shooting below him, and shot her in the helmeted head. She at once vanished with a muffled scream of pain and an odd shimmering. But she had been a decoy so he followed his move, smoothly, with a whirling motion. Clearly the Maze Master was giving away his position to the enemy. Archavo struck the wall as he twisted, with his formerly opposite facing shoulder, aimed and shot the second thug into oblivion. Again there was a muffled scream of agony as Phil Philkins was struck down.
Moments later he was, himself, vanishing smoothly and with no pain.
Part 1
The young man was helped out of his capsulechair back in the well lit, well ventilated but dull metallic environment of a SVR Gaming Chamber. Comrade players were there already, having been knocked out of the game earlier on. They were showering in private cubicles or sitting in civil jumpsuits waiting for him to appear. Coach Stella Andrel, of the Maze Rangers, looked worried as she stood waiting for his awakening, standing close to his capsulechair. The other players showed a mixture of emotions. The players sat on long bench-seats against two walls and some were sipping cupcans of coffee or snacking on foodbars. Through a big open doorway came the muffled noises of other teams being active in other chambers. A cleanerbot hummed passed the open doorway, sweep-vacuuming as it went. It was just like the typical ending of a game except that normally the other players would be rushing forward to congratulate him and Sandy, a female player, would be quick to offer him a special favour. This time they kept distant from him with expressions of anger and guilt they could not conceal from him.
Archavo stood in his SVR-suit and began to unplug himself from the now deactivated SVR-circuit. He slipped his helmet off and gave the coach a grin. "Not too bad, then?"
The older, mature but youthful and attractive looking Stella sighed. "Good playing but we were not supposed to win the game, remember? Servitor Class players do not win against Elite Class players. It is more than pride that is hurt here. Some important citizens staked good money on the game and lost a small fortune. Still, I am glad you played well. If we can keep you safe until the second game and then lose, we should be able to assure your future safety." Then she gave a mild grin. "Normally Servitors are forced to put bets on our teams knowing that we will be pressured to lose against the Elitors. Today we made a bundle of winning vaultcredit, a big bundle, instead of losing a big bundle. You pleased a lot of people today of your own class. Now, you get a shower and then change into basic blues."
Yes, it came fully to him now that he had created a difficult situation between the Elitors and the Servitors but also for himself. The damned Elitors always cheated by pressuring Servitor based teams to lose and would not even consider playing against teams made up of Commoner players. Now the Elitors had lost face and the Servitors had gained a victory that would put Elitor pressure on them. Tensions between the Elite and the Services had already been high thanks to Elite decisions to cut back on resources to the Services and to the Commons so they could make their lives even more luxurious and secure. Or so it seemed to non-Elitors in the vault. It was not just the non-Elitor humans who were becoming upset but the so called beastfolk of chimpnoids and gorillanoids. Even the androids (vaultdroids) were expressing concerns about the growing troubles caused by Elitor greed.
Would the Servitor leaders assist Archavo to survive or would they just let him be taken by Elitor wolves?
Oddly enough the coach led him to a body-cubicle that was not normally used. It was a cramped chamber, sealed off to recycle steam, with a shower booth (combined water and wet-sonic), a biochemical toilet and other facilities. As soon as the coach closed the door, though, a secret door opened as a sliding wall panel and a security guard in a black jumpsuit was drawing him away. So they were not going to throw him to the wolves, or so it seemed. He followed the young woman along relatively narrow utility tunnels, unlike the much wider public hallways and tunnels, until they came into a larger utility chamber. Then she pointed him to a chair with a table next to it that had some foodbars, a cupcan of white-sweet coffee and a neatly folded up brand new outfit. Except that it was green-grey survival stuff with black outdoor boots and webbing. He noted a 10mm xdart-pistol that was loaded up with a magazine of 100 xdarts and a back-up fixed magazine of 20 xdarts. It could also take a special top attaching helix magazine with 1,400 xdarts in it. Then there was a big survival-longknife and a shorter but still large survival-knife, both in scabbards. His pipboy was there but also a gunboy, a weapon and survival device pipboy like contraption to be worn on the other wrist. There were other items like a stunclub, a handcomp, a handcom, three pouch multitools, a canteen of water, stunflash hand-grenades and other handy items in pouches.
There was no point in asking the security guard what was going to happen. She would say nothing.
Part 2
Then the Security Chief came in being a Servitor Officer serving the Elite Security Overseer, Directors, Advisers and others who often did little work for a good deal of vaultcredit as salary, allowances and bonuses. The allowances and bonuses were truly angering to middle and lower class Vaultfolk as they more than doubled what any Elitor earned though both the allowances and bonuses were insulting nonsense.
The hard eyed Sarah Hanlin drew over a chair and sat down in front of him. She dropped a compact survival backpack next to him with some items attached to it, along with some body-armour, then she grinned. "We want you to live so we will fake your death. You will go and do a mission for us outside of the vault proper. We are impressed with your skills which makes you one of the best fighters to appear in the vault since Doomsday that ended the Last Great War. When we can, we will bring you back into the vault to start your life again, new."
Why did he sense something disturbing about this woman? She was not telling him the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Was she deliberately sending him to his death?
She passed to him a datachip, compact and normal appearing. "Input these instructions and the assisting data that goes with them. I know it is sudden but the mission should not be too hard for you to carry out. You need to get changed now. Quick, both of us women have seen plenty of men naked."
Archavo did change but was aware that both women admired his youthful slimly muscular body with barely concealed pleasure. So much for professionalism. When he was completed and thankful for his SVR training and experience stimulation-simulations (stimsims), he adjusted his gear. This included flexikevlar smart-helmet, vest with groin-guard, sleeves and shinguards. He also had a tripulser, a carbine sized weapon with three types of pulseguns that could fire disintegration, stun and electromagnetic pulses. The weapon could fire light, medium or heavy pulse-bullets or bigger pulse-shells but the bigger the pulse-projectile, the greater the energy drainage.
Such gear was expensive and there were some shortages so they would hardly give him such gear just to lose it needlessly. Or so he hoped.
Then the security guard was leading him through utility tunnels, darting through utility tunnels, reporting to security robots like eyebots lifted by fanjets and securatrons or protectrons on their chunky legs. Security vaultdroids were to be found in such places but the pair did not run into any of them; Archavo doubted this was coincidental since the androids were harder to trick than were the robots. It was clear that those people behind him did not want him to be noted leaving the vault. The way was mainly through harsh, hard metallic spaces lit not too brightly by solid-state fluropanels with consistant background noises of machinery humming, pipes gurgling and other such sounds. Sometimes roaches rustled through the places or mice darted quickly into view and out of it again. Once a mouser-cat, tough and wiry, showed up and then shot off again. Such cats were allowed to survive only because they ate mice and other small vermin; or so went the official line for in truth the vault lacked enough resources to truly deal with the cats. On top of that many folk had grown fond of the felines and actually fed them, kept them safe and even pampered them in other ways.
Then they came to a public hallway and to a light flow of foot traffic being mainly humans in mostly basic blue and basic pink jumpsuits.