Fallout 4 is my favorite game in a very very long time. I have been waiting 7 years for it and I'm satisfied with everything about it, except the lack of my favorite thing to kill people in video games with (ESPECIALLY ONES WHERE I CAN BUILD A STEALTH CHARACTER) BOWS. I have been spamming Pete Hines on twitter and he told me to come to the forums, so now I'm going to spam the forums. I know some disagree but it would perfect the game in my mind, I could go on longer, for hours writing even. I just hope Bethesda heeds my plea. Regardless, I love Fallout 4 just this one thing would make it so much better for me. The only reason I'm on the edge of my seat about this is: Bethesda probably won't release the means to animating things in first person when the modding tools come out. They didn't with skyrim, and we won't be able to mod them into the game at all, so Bethesda is the only hope. Please Bethesda, prove you listen to your fans, and make my biggest [censored]in dream of all time come true. If many begin to back me, I'll start a petition for this as well. I need Bethesda to see this. Thank you.