Fallout 4 Bugs the first day its out

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:00 am

So the day fallout 4 releases there will be bugs and lots of them, just like fable creators spoke out about their bugs in their game and many other games. Do you think if you fall through the map while playing, will you stop playing the game until the patches come out? Don't get me wrong bethesda games are great. I already know that people will look for glitches ways to see how their game freezes and the pause and save to keep moving over the boarder. Do you believe you will find a bug the first day you play from a deathclaw coming out the ground and just magically falling through the map. I already see this is going to happen bugs are in every game and developers don't have time to fix every little niffy thing out there. So what's your thoughts on this?

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:44 am

It wouldn't be a Bethesda game without bugs and glitches but they seem to be taking more time to fix said bugs so here's to hoping that out of the bugs we do get, they won't be incredibly game breaking ones.

I'm fully expecting (and hoping) to find some hilarious ragdoll and animation glitches.

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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:13 pm

i have still to face a breaking game bug on a Bethesda game, that mean a bug on a quest that prevent me to do it. But trow isnt a bethesda game w/o bugs and some of those bugs are funny as hell as the Giant bug on skyrim that 1 shoot u and trow u up on the sky.

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Wayland Neace
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:46 am

The giants in Skyrim were NOT a bug. The giant's were a result of how the physics engine was tuned. People throw around features as bugs alot these days.

Only bugs I ever had were introduced by mods. Especially the so called Unofficial Skyrim Patch.

Well there was that one bug in Daggerfall that was game breaking - but from Morrowind on nothing stopped me from enjoying any TES or Fallout.

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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:48 am

And sometimes people throw around bugs and pass them off as features. The road does go both ways, not just one. I personally don't care whether or not the giants were a bug, it was entertaining from time to time, but like all things entertaining, it does get old after a while.

What I think about bugs is that if someone is determined enough to find something, he/she will finds it, no matter how trivial it may be, and exaggerate it's importance to suit his/her cause in order to prove the point that they were right all along.

and then there will be the people who legitimately find bugs that need to be fixed, ought to be fixed, and what would be nice if they fixed. The Unofficial Patch team is very good at identifying these bugs, although sometimes I wonder if some of what they do fix, are truly bugs that need fixing.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:07 pm

To quote myself quoting myself:
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Kerri Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:11 pm

My thoughts? Besides this being a silly thread, people overexaggerate the bugs in BGS games. Yes, there were some funny bugs with Skyrim at release, but it was nothing game breaking and certainly didn't destroy the experience. Look at ACU and BAK as example of recent games that had absolutely terrible launches because of bugs and being poorly optimized. BGS bugs are typically harmless and I honestly don't even expect to see that many in terms of the main content. Out exploring the world? Anything is possible, but I certainly don't care that much and I'm not worried about it. What I am worried about is BGS shooting itself in the foot claiming the game has "400 hours of content" when the only other major open world RPG (The Witcher 3) to come out this year had about 200 hours of content approximately. I'm personally of the impression BGS is overexaggerating and people will beat all of the content in half the time if not faster.

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Lewis Morel
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:45 am

I keep a rotation of saves as a contingency. Usually it's seven saves per character, and I can just overwrite the bottom save on the menu. If I save frequently and make good use of the quicksaves and autosaves, I bet I can mitigate most of the minor stuff. A lot of issues in Skyrim could be solved just by reloading a save and trying again.

More people need to keep multiple saves in Bethesda games. I've seen friends keep only one save per character and it just makes me nervous.

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Amber Ably
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:17 pm

I never overwrite saves at all. On PC it's not like there's a limit of slots. I've got over 500 save files in my FO3 folder.
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aisha jamil
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:40 pm

See i hear a lot about these bugs that plague Bethesda games from launch, yet I have only encountered things i would say were small bugs that didnt really harm gameplay at all. Hell, i dont even remember any to be perfectly fair.

I highly doubt that there will be game breaking glitches or bugs, but of course you will find them if you actually seek them out.

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Mark Churchman
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:21 pm

rather true ragdoll days may come back within time.

I remember that being in skyrim alot of games that are rpgs are known to have a similar issue with bugs, then in most games. I think the first day i play fallout 4 it's going to be great.

Yea i'd say morrowind is by far a great game. Daggerfall had alot of weird things that happen i still play it to this day.

Yea alot of people tend to go find everything in the game instantly and bugs are big thing it's like people get a jump of joy from one bug to another and too extremely weirdness :blink:

Is it of what your doing or is it quoting bugs?

Yea most likely but where did silly thread come from. :D It makes me think if the bugs are going to make people go nuts once they find the super one and it makes a game show you the white world of nothingness.

I keep about 20 saves and everything runs smoothly until you want to constant save :user: Yea and fallout 4 may get corrupted files once in awhile i feel like someones going to report that the first week or day.

Yea i got about 300 on oblivion for xbox 360. Probably have close to 200 on fallout 4 maybe not, but if the save bugs come and go like normal, but that only happen to me in fallout 3.

There's a couple weird bugs in fallout 3. There probably be some rather weird bugs in fallout 4 but it isn't a super big deal unless something not working right in the game.

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James Potter
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:13 pm

You clearly have no idea. Please stop spreading false information.

The FO4 game will definitely have bugs, it will be up to modders to resolve the majority as it was in all the Bethesda games. One can only hope that Bethesda will take more 'time' to polish the game before release however no matter how long they polish there will always be something need fixing.
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:25 pm

I'm expecting a gamebreaking bug like what happened in my "first playthrough" of Skyrim on launch day: Alduin landed on the fort but didn't Shout. He just stared at me. I watched for 10 minutes to see if he'd do something, but he never did, and I had to restart.

Still get that bug occasionally.

To quote Bart Simpson, "Well, I'm not calling you a liar but... but I can't think of a way to finish that sentence."

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:00 pm

Just go look at the Unofficial Skyrim Patch log to see all the gaffs they admit to. And unfortunately this includes the original Unofficial Patch (before it was picked up by the current crew) which created a game-breaking bug!

And if you are saying I never had a bug in vanilla and therefore I MUST be lying, well then that is your problem.

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Anthony Diaz
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:33 am

It'll have some bugs here and there (game this size with so many interacting systems always do) but I'm not expecting things to be severely broken.

Errors can come with any mod. Errors can come in any software. Remember the reference overwrite bug that was discovered after Shivering Isles came out, that was a major issue that got patched up by mods until Bethesda patched the way their engine handles generated references.

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Kristian Perez
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:26 pm

I don't see myself encountering any bugs on the first day, because with every Bethesda game I play, I spend the first day just looking around and not doing too much gameplay wise. Now after that first one or two days is another story.

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Emily Jeffs
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:08 pm

I was mostly joking. I would have thought that my quote coming from Bart Simpson would have made that pretty clear. I mean, I don't know what you did. Maybe your entire Skyrim experience was standing in a field not moving. I don't know if you tried to temper Wuuthrad or the best version of the Nightingale Blade or the Skyforge Steel Dagger, or if you obtained the Ancient Knowledge perk, or tried to use Illia as a follower after turning your game back on, or put on a Dragon Priest Mask while wearing the Archmage Robes and losing your head. If you didn't, you probably didn't notice these bugs, but I would argue that you did have them, even if your actions didn't bring them to the forefront.

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Charlotte Lloyd-Jones
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:03 pm

Agree.. People are natural complainers and if there is something to complain about they will.. no matter how minor an issue it is. Skyrim did have one main plot game breaker in Markarth with the Forsworn Conspiracy.. but it wasn't a total game breaker as people found a way to get around it. The main problem that usually gets people is that they haven't learned how to save games. Maybe it's because I've been playing games for so long but at some point I got into a habit of over saving. I make tons of save games and they have in fact saved me on many occasions. .. I play all games as if something is going to go terribly wrong.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:36 pm

I suppose it's one thing to QA test a 4-5 hour corridor fps game, and quite another matter to do this with an open world sandbox RPG with so much persistent data, that provides hundreds or thousands of hours of content. You could have a team of hundreds of QA staff testing it for years and probably still not find everything.

I do expect they will fix any serious, gamebreaking bugs prior to release, though.

There were some cosmetic glitches, but both Skyrim and Fallout New Vegas seemed rather stable at launch, as I didn't experience any crashes when playing without mods. In contrast, I have played some linear games with less content that crashed.

Haven't tried Witcher 3 yet, but I wouldn't expect Fallout 4 to provide a significantly shorter experience compared to Skyrim.

You can do a speed run and power through Skyrim's main quest in a few hours (or less), but if you play Skyrim the way many do, creating multiple characters to try different playing styles, exploring the world at your own pace, etc., it's not uncommon to rack up hundreds of hours. In my case I've played over 900 hours and still haven't gotten around to completing many of the important questlines.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:56 pm

I actually don't mind the sillier bugs like backwards flying dragons or Doc's spinning Satanic head glitches, provided they are fixable of course. They are kind of fun to discover in a new game. I actually go out of my way to find stuff like this. :twirl:

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Rachael Williams
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 4:05 am

Believe it or not, I never experienced those bugs. At one point I thought people were making them up, it wasn't until I looked on YouTube that I realized it was real. I guess your mileage really does vary when it comes to gaming.

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Lily Something
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:23 pm

I never experience many of them myself but I did find or replicate a few of them. I have a feeling most of them are a result of mix and matching lots of mods on existing saves. I tend to start a new game if I change my mods around alot. If nothing else they do make entertaining youtubes.

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Sara Lee
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:52 pm

As I said in a previous thread:

After Chargen, you will approach baby Shaun's cot, where you shall find he is named "Invalid Actor REF". He will also suffer from physics bugs and have the massive flailing tentacle-arms and swivelling eyes of a demon.

Codsworth will call you "Mr Boobies" regardless of what you actually named yourself.

On entering the vault, your spouse will get stuck in the elevator and will still be there 200 years later when you leave, still babbling about the veteran's association.

When you find Dogmeat, he will be sunken into the ground so that only his head is exposed, like a Digglet.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:01 am

Wild Dogglet appeared!

What? Dogglet is evolving!

Congratulations! Your Dogglet evolved into Dogtrio!

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 1:52 am

The only severe bug I've ever had was in Skyrim. Sure, you get the occasional quest won't start or dialogue won't come up. Nothing that can't be fixed by reloading a save. But one day I walked into Markarth, and boom. Couldn't move. Stuck there for twenty minutes. Reload a save. Walk into Markarth, boom. Can't move. Reloaded save again, went questing for a few hours, went back to Markarth, boom. Can't move. Three hours later, I can move again. To this day I have no idea what caused it or fixed it.

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