If you have local leader perk you can set up a supply line to another settlement which then shares the workbench of those two settlements,
Be warned though, setting up Supply Lines is a little wonky. I ran a line between Sanctuary and a farm so i could litter it with turrets. The supplies from Sanctuary did not actually appear in the farm's workbench but i was able to see them when i went to build the guns and saw the exact supplies needed for each object. Its a little annoyance now but came on a long string of surprises and frustrations in supplying outlying facilities.
There is also the Vertibird option (providing your far enough along in the main story, not a spolier I think since its already been advertised), take what you want out of Settlement A's inventory and then fly all your stuff to Settlement B.
The supply line. I have around 25 settlements all hooked up. Just talk to a settler in build mode and choose the supply line option and tell them where to go, it'll instantly make the stuff available in everything that's linked together in a solid chain. You can even view your chain on the map screen to make sure everything's connected.