What i dont like on Fallout 3 is that the people of the capital wasteland seem to be awkwardly well informed about the past. Just as if they all went through highschools which dont exist anymore.
This wasn't so with the people on the west coast in F1 and F2 for obvious reasons as they (Except some ghouls of course) were born over 150 years later into different world.
How many of them ever mentioned the USA or the war ? Nearly nobody. Why should they ? Its gone. They care about whats existing now.
They dont know what countries or nations are. USA is nothing but three letters to them which may read here and there IF they can read at all.
Remember the tribes from F2 ?
But people in Fallout 3 know it all and talk as if all of them walked out of a Vault yesterday, went to school and had lots of history lessons or the war happened yesterday.
- They know about the war as they constantly talk like "Before the war this was ..." and "Whats left of......." as if they would know what was before the war, what "the war" actually was and what was once there and is gone now.
People would not talk like that after 200 years in a different world.
- Three Dog tells me about a beached aircraft carrier. ...Yeah sure. What does he know what an aircraft or a carrier is ?
Im sure he saw and heard plenty about them in his life. Knows what they are, knows the name and what they were good for. The only thing still missing is he telling me the name and a little story about its service in the u.s navy.
It would be nothing but a huge mysterious piece of floating steel in the water which somebody must have built and put there for some unknown purpose a long time ago. The best thing most people could do is give a nice guess what this might had been in ancient times.
Only people from Vaults can still have that much knowledge as they have access to it and have a working school system.
But it doesnt seem that any of the generations living in the Capital Wasteland has been born in a Vault. Maybe their ancestors came from them. But without a school system and the conditions they live in its rather unlikely that there was much time or emphasis for telling children about "200 years ago" history. Hell , i bet they even have 100% literacy rate

Go ask someone what Stonehenge in England was good for and when it was built and by whom.
You will meet a lot of researchers which have nice theories which sometimes contradict each other and they all will say: "I cant really tell you with certainty"
And these people have access to measures of research and history knowledge which people in post-apocalyptica cant even imagine. Nonetheless even that cant help them to determine a definite answer for your questions as the knowledge about Stonehenge was not passed on and is lost forever.
If the Fallout Bible should ever get continued , the one who's going to write the new chapters will go through a lot of blood sweat and tears while trying to invent convincing explanations for all this not very well imagined stuff in Fallout 3. LOL