Yeah I like to carry a ton of stuff, so raising strength to get strong back and more carry is what I want. Armor crafting I'll definitely get, and maybe with a different playthrough I'll do melee
Yeah I like to carry a ton of stuff, so raising strength to get strong back and more carry is what I want. Armor crafting I'll definitely get, and maybe with a different playthrough I'll do melee
S7 to me looks like it reduces the recoil with different weapons, but spread might be one of the ranks.
I'm guessing S9 is about your ability to knock down others (chop down a tree) and resist getting knocked down yourself (stay firmly planted on the ground). One of the ranks might be Superior Defender, though, which would be awesome. One of my favorite perks.
I'll definitely be bumping my ST up to 3 after chargen just to start crafting some armor. My top priority for my first character is to become indestructible.
I always go the other way. Made of glass, but packing a punch, lol. I'll be trying to take everything down before it can hit me back.
I don't generally put a lot into strength either. Sure, you can lift way more than me. You can do more push ups than me. And you can even hit harder than me.
But you don't hit harder than my .44
It looks like repair is out (besides perhaps repairing power armor) but they could tuck it into the crafting perks.
I don't know...I'd rather my companions don't kill me (Cha 8 - Inspirational). I don't know about you, but I don't really trust the AI to not shoot me/burn me/etc while trying to fend off some group of enemies.
Yeah due to the perks being spread out like they are I really don't see a dump stat anymore.
I think Bethesda hates dump stats almost as much as I do! A high Charisma character sounds really great now, and a nonviolent playthrough actually seems much more plausible with all of those perks. So it covers settlement supply lines, dialog interactions, use of companions, and pacifying/coercing the denizens of the wasteland.
So, um, wtf is going on with the L5 perk?
Enemies have a chance of going grazy over how super fly you are, making them unable to attack?
*joke BTW*
Why on Earth would you go and do such a thing??
There's a 20% chance a female raider's top will fall off.
Luck 5: Ferret Finder. You have a 50% chance of requiring urgent medical attention after losing your trusty pet.
Or at least that's what it looks like to me
He's looking at something that's simply astonishing to him... we already have perks for loot (Fortune Finder and Scrounger, which I'm guessing add more than just caps and ammo with each rank), so maybe he's being astonished at new random encounters the perk adds? I'm making wild guesses here, dammit!
Or maybe it's a perk that adds a 20% chance of lasagna in every container. I'm not crazy for getting a Garfield vibe from that perk, right?
Nerd Rage can′t be the same thing ........ it's a very high requirement.
CH 9 looks cool. It seems an idea that I posted here once, where due to the high charisma, even the monsters think twice about attacking you.
AG 9 = any ideas?
how about P6? Can′t be the same as friend of the night.
Seems like it, maybe combined with Night Person as well.
A general "increased perecption at night/night vision" perk
complet forgot about night person. It should be just that.
would not be something that would change the life of anyone, but, yes, it would be really cool.