I don't know that I would necessarily say there are no "dump stats" any more. There are still some stats / perks that would not appeal to some gamers. Granted, they seem to have broadened the scope of what some stat/perks DO.
I would think STR was a dump stat for a sneaky sniper character, for example, but there are those STR perks with guns in them. Lower recoil on weapons? Use two guns? I would guess those perks are still not enough to convince me to raise STR above 1, though.
And END basically boosts your survivability through various means but since they can't ~require~ you to pick END perks there have to be other ways to work around things. If I don't get the underwater perk, then I just have to find (or create?) a rebreather or a wetsuit or something. And while END perks may make it easier to survive radiation or heal better or avoid some damage, there are other ways to do that (stims, cautious sneaking so as to avoid fights i the first place, etc). So, I still think I'll bottom END out at 1.
Charisma also still seems dump-stat-ish to me if you don't care about the whole "male others do what you want" ability (animals / people variants) and you don't care much for companions. Frankly, I don't like it when my companions seem ~better~ than me. I don't want them shooting me, true, but I think I can handle that by not getting in front of them during a fight (or moving). Charisma 3 for the Lone Wanderer boost ~might~ be worth getting, and of course if I'm going to do anything with settlements I'll probably get Local Leader (Cha 5 or 6?).... so not a totally useless stat.
If you're not going to tinker with robots or energy weapons and don't care how fast you level, then Int doesn't really offer much beyond the hacking perk. Conceptually, I always like playing high-INT characters, but pragmatically this may be the first Fallout that I don't try to max INT and "make do" with a more average score.
AGI and PER have a boatload of perks that I ~love~ so I'll be getting a ton of those.
Luck, being largely random, has never appealed to me very much. It has some clear pragmatic benefits (damage bonuses, crits, GReaper's Sprint, etc and I am intrigued by the perk that looks like the Vault Boy is miraculously avoiding being hit by incoming bullets. So luck is still up in the air for me, in terms of usefulness.
STR and END perks will have to do a lot, still, to pull out of the dump-stat region for me. (And Luck, Cha and Int have to develop better reasons for me to want to do more than dabble with them). Gun Fu Sniper all the way!