Ooh, this is interesting:
So, magazines still exist, and they give/level their own perks. That seems to make it more likely that the "skill" Bobbleheads will do something unique, too, I'd think.
Ooh, this is interesting:
So, magazines still exist, and they give/level their own perks. That seems to make it more likely that the "skill" Bobbleheads will do something unique, too, I'd think.
But your "ghoulification" was coming from lightning lol and your perk was to prevent it because it could randomly happen during any storm. Like vampirism and cannibalism, if ghoulification is in there, it should be a choice
I really hope that the comics/magazines are actually readable. Those grognak comics look magnificently hammy. Also kinda cool to get some info on the leveling, and how the "levels" of the different perk trees work
It sounds like the perks are actually interesting rather than a series of "increase damage/etc by 20/40/60%" or whatever and that makes me happy. Also like the idea of magazines giving you perks. Wonder what the bobbleheads will do.
Seems that if people don't want the quest marker, they don't need to have it as it is now a perk. V.A.N.S.
Edit: Also, that intimidation perk looks amazing. Being able to make your enemy submit if they are a lower level and give them commands?
I think it was confirmed you could read them.
edit spelling
I think I'll go and do something nice and leisurely like swimming the English Channel. This is so awesome I don't quite know what to do with myself!!
I speculate that Fallout 4 will break every game related record going when it's released
I think the regular quest marker exists exactly as we know it, but VANS creates a path like the Clairvoyance spell in Skyrim - and it's only in VATS.
I'm wondering if this means we can activate VATS without a target available when we have this perk.
That is how I imagined it would be as well.
Re-specing my character with:
Oh snap, Stimpaks are percentage based now.
Where are ya'll seeing the thing that has to do with ghoulification?
Nvm, found it.
Let's hope so...
(Have 500 HP, stimpaks only heal 10 HP.... derp)
Ghoulification or some kind of extreme radiation buff which we've seen before ie rads over 75% gains 50% to melee damage or something. The picture could be something like "fight like a ghoul". We won't know specifically until we find out more.
Man, this looks totally wicked. I'm so happy to see many of my fears being put to rest here. They really put some brain in developing this. What makes me happiest of all, though, is that there aren't any dumb +20%/40%/60%/80%/100% damage perks, but rather super inventive actual PERKS. That is so awesome. Much Fallout. Sorry gkk7z, but I couldn't be happier that you were wrong on this one =). I knew Beth would save us from that misery again, lol.
Edit: AND I get a perk chart for my wall, w0000t!
Wow, this looks fantastic and intriguing. Might take a while to get to grips with it, but the replay value alone is phenomenal
Was also very glad to see this:
"* There are a few exceptions to multiple Perk ranks. Some only have one rank, like the returning Awareness Perk. This perk lets you see the level and damage resistances of enemies during V.A.T.S. In cases like this, it felt bad to split that functionality into ranks. Fallout 4 does feature multiple damage types, primarily Ballistic, Energy, and Radiation. Knowing what weapons and armor to use at certain times is important."
The Awareness Perk is back!!! I think I need to go lie down in a dark room
I don't get the intimidation to incite pacified enemies to attack. Is it suppose to mean that you can force your enemies to attack other people?
Good to know you can pacify them though.