I like it that ways as well. I have always prefered playing such table top games were getting from one low level to the next was easy (only a few points) but then )getting to the next level required 2x as much xp as the last one.
I like it that ways as well. I have always prefered playing such table top games were getting from one low level to the next was easy (only a few points) but then )getting to the next level required 2x as much xp as the last one.
Sounds viable. The great part is that we get to find out really soon, and whatever it is, I'm sure it will be a very cool perk. I love all the changes that Bethesda have made
GK, even if you are right about there being ghoulification in game, at least it would appear you're wrong about it just happening randomly through radiation exposure. I'd imagine it being like vampirism and cannibilism was a choice. Still don't think it's in LOL
Wow. Page 9. What is this mythical land?
~runs naked through thread~
I was wondering what the hell that was!!!!!
The more l look at this system, the more I love it. Plus having books also give perks is so good.
Is now a good time to reveal I slipped some F.E.V into their coffee? Who knew the mods were... mutants
Yeah I'm curious to see the unique perks they mentioned too
YES I think I am going to LOVE that one. I HOPe it is not just SEEING thru walls like with life detection in TES.
My fear is that it is not actually shooting thru the walls, I just do not see that the Nifs structure would allow it. But I am not an expert of gameboy nifs so we will see.
S10 - What is up with the old timey steam whistle? Hopefully it gives you the ability to punch your co-worker so you can get out of work quicker and get back home to play the game sooner.
I would assume S10 is a perk that lets you "steam roll" enemies by running into them.
Similar to Skyrim's shield charge(?) perk. You run into them with PA on, and they get knocked down.
I think L5 is supposed to be one of the mods when they come back and see this thread!!!