I'd put the latter under Strength personally, but hey, different strokes.
The system looks interesting, so I'm going to withhold judgement for now. I'm still kind of iffy about it being tied off exclusively to your Attribute distribution though.
Me too!!! I think this is much better
Where did you read this? It wasn't in the article I opened. Did everyone get the same article or do they have like 5 different ones and you get a random one when logging in?? That would be an amazing gimmick! lol
Now, who can name all the perks!?
Edit: Nevermind, I forgot to read the fine print. As usual, lol.
They confirmed that we can become a ghoul?
No, far from confirmed. A perk on the chart shows VB as a ghoul (probably) and a dead guy with a bomb going off in the background. This really could be a number of things and shouldn't be taken literally as ghoulification until we know
Alright I'll admit, of all the possible ways they could have done the new level up system with the removal of the classic skill style, this is definitely the least offensive. I'm actually glad the perk ranks aren't just +10%, +50%, and so on like Skyrim, and the idea that skill magazines add their own unique perks is freaking great. Bonus points if I can actually read them like the books in TES.
All in all not bad Bethesda. Still not 100% behind the removal of the old level up style, but this is definitely an interesting system.
EDIT: OH forgot to mention, some of the perks definitely seem pretty dope to have as soon as you leave the vault. Namely the intimidation one and shooting through walls in VATs? CHA, AGL, PER focused build will definitely be the first ones I make.
I dont know given 2 more weeks he might have puzzled it all out.... Sure did nail the the framework and how leveling would work.
"Greetings from the Gkk7z! The Lord Gk! Scribe of the wasteland! Ayatolla of skill theory-olla"
Heh man the hidden skill possibility, stuff not on the chart, Thats what I am going coo coo for cocoa puffs over the thought off, books give them i am damn sure certain paths might as well.
Wait, what?
You can not remake the character after coming out of the cave, after the attack of Alduin?
I would bet an arm that could. Now I am confused ......
Not at all. The game only makes a save when you're shackled and speaking to the guy that asks your name.
So I guess no poster if you just get the game through STEAM? Nuts.
Which never made any sense since your race/six really made no difference while you were escaping the cave. Granted, your race/six made little difference in the game at all unfortunately.
Holly crap.
Good thing they have changed it then.
As for the perk chart, I loved.
Edit: sorry, I know that is not the subject of the topic, but I'm intrigued. Why the hell did they do that way in Skyrim? Oblivion is not this way. Fallout 3 is not this way. New Vegas is not this way ....... I can′t understand certain decisions .....
I think it's so you could change your mind on who to follow. still wish that you could've changed everything as soon as you got to the end of the tutorial cave
no, more like the brown bears from oblivion who's HP went up every time you leveled, at a faster rate than yours. So if you abused the fact that you can decrease your skills by going to prison and increase them again to level up beyond the soft level cap of the game you were just making the game harder on yourself.
Skyrim fixed the bandits having end tier gear, but still has enemies that get constant HP buffs to the point where the game becomes unplayable unless you are using exploits.
I think they changed it because the animators weren't so gosh darn proud of their precious opening sequence. ;p
Thank the gods they did change it. I miss being able to quickly make a new character.
The character building seems amazing. Easily looks better than Skyrim,Fo3,Oblivion in theory.
However, I'm weary about the "no level cap" thing. I'm not a fan of "Master of All, your build only matters at first but after that you are everything build."
I guess It depends on what the "soft cap" is, as I'm sure you eventually run out of quests/tasks and it gets extremely slow and monotonous.
Wow, there's a lot more variation in the different ranks of perks than I was expecting. This sounds amazing!!
No normal enemy in skyrim gets constant HP buffs, and even end-game bosses like Alduin and Miraak have a maximum level/hp.
Maybe this will halt some of the "I'm not hyped enough" and "We need more info", threads.....
True, but--and I'm almost certain he was exaggerating--there were many times where I'd come across an enemy that took just way to long to die considering the circumstances. Nowhere near as bad as Super Mutant Overlords or Ghoul Reavers, but definitely still an issue. Hopefully Fallout 4 is coming closer to finding the right balance of enemy scaling.
To me being able to make the 'Master of All' kills replay value also. I like all my characters to be unique in that they used different skills, which is why in Skyrim I retired every character before you reached level 50. THE PROBLEM with that is Bethesda added some stuff that only appears after you reach level 50/70+. We already saw in the vid that some Perks you can not get until you're level 46. I have to wonder then what the highest level is to get the highest tier of some perks. If I have to play to level 70 just to get the character I've been trying to get since level 1 that's going to really svck.