Loads of info from BGS about FO4's character system here.
Loads of info from BGS about FO4's character system here.
...! A picture of the perk chart in full detail! I'm reeling! It's beautiful!
Finally! Some clarification and new info! I love all of it.
"Additionally, whereas Fallout 3 had an initial level cap of 20, Fallout 4 has no level cap, and we've balanced the game to keep the content and challenge going for higher levels."
Uh oh, that statement gives me vibes of a Oblivion style enemy leveling system coming back full swing. Really hope this doesn't mean they just make everything a bullet sponge.
It might have been rolled into a rank of one of the stealth perks.
Speaking of which, holy crap! I guessed they might have added perk ranks that do different things, but now that it's actually confirmed I'm so happy! It's not just "20/40/60/80/100%" more damage! And magazines (magazines!) add their own perks!
Skill magazines giving you perks when you find & read them is simply genius.
Holy crap, the actual perk chart, this is what I've been waiting for!
Balancing the pace of leveling to Skyrim makes sense; I never got past level 70ish in that game, even after Legendary skills, so I'm still not worried about the no-level-cap thing creating masters-of-all-trades in most of my playthroughs. It's also nice to have confirmation (since some were confused) that it's XP based and not skill based. This is some freaking huge news. Charisma is a dump stat no longer!
And that perk chart is really pretty. I like it a lot a lot.
'"PS - One more thing – we really love the idea of putting the Perk poster on our own wall, and think you will too. So every pre-order copy of Fallout 4 will come with one!"
Is this new news?
I didn't realise the poster came with all pre-orders...
"You can get multiple perks but some of those perks require you to be a higher level like 46" Sold.
Love seeing Grim Reaper Sprint over in the luck Tree.
I believe so. I don't think that those who pre-ordered on Steam will get it though because it's digital. Still, it'd be nice if those who did pre-order on Steam got the poster.
Every bandits in Glass armor using daedric weapons. yeah...
So, uh, yeah, I definitely think this new character system has a lot more depth to it than skills. Just putting that out there.
edit: and Bethesda won't need to add new perks with DLCs, they can just add new ranks! Same goes for modders.
Do you honestly believe Bethesda is dumb enough to return to that kind of level scaling? That quote still implies nothing that Fallout 4's level scaling is any worse than Skyrim's - and Skyrim had the best level scaling.
Stray observation: The demo character's name in this video is Albert. Maybe AwesomePossum is right, and the default male character is based off of the Albert Cole preset from Fallout 1?
I love the little animations on the perk stuff. Gives it a bit of character.
Also im sure gkk7z is in heaven right now.
By his earlier post in the speculations thread, I think he's gone to have a lie down...
Nice. This is what I have been waiting for, for so long.
Gun-fu... awwwwww yeah. My Clint Eastwood wanna be character will love quick drawing people in VATS now.
Slight understatement lol!!!
The best part is that I can now wait along with everyone else, because this is way better than anything I could come up with!! The system looks to be truly amazing, with ranks performing unique tasks. Having said that, it looks like I was right on a ton of base perks and features, including ghoulification
And backpedal on most of his "speculations"
Awesome. That rank thing coming with unique stuff is also a bit surprising. Looks like the perks have a lot more variety to them than Skyrim.