Fallout 4 City Buildings Are Terrible

Post » Tue Dec 08, 2015 2:00 pm

This is something that is really bothering me as I play. The whole point of this Fallout is you are in the city of Boston, why are the buildings so bad? Here is what I mean:

-Level Design: Too many buildings are just too small or make no sense. Im going to use the Mass Fusion Building which I just cleared as an example. Know the floor where you kill the Gunner Commander, where the Strength boggle head is? Look at it... all that's on it is one office and a reception desk and tons of empty space. NOT because a floor fell in, you can see where they did, but if you could snap your fingers and make it new, that's what it would be, a railing with a walkway and one office on a whole floor... not a big executive office, just one office. Now look at the floors. They are 6 inches thick. No insulation, no duct work.

Another example are multiple buildings that make no sense, like the one in Concord, with a walkway between 2 buildings and a raider in PA, lots of Ferals in the area (trying to pick places most people might remember) Now, go back there and look around. The stair system makes no sense, they just start out of nowhere, no lobby, no entry hall, some flights of stairs are taller then others (meaning not every floor is say, 12 feet, some are 12, some 20, etc) There are no hallways or anything, you just enter an apartment which isnt even an apartment, just a living room.

Then they use the lazy ass floor 1/2 fell in and made a ramp... over, and over. One time might have been creative but it gets dumb... just leave the stairwell in tact if you want us exploring the building. Again... I get there is a scaling issue, an apartment building cant be 20 floors with 10 apartments on a floor but I felt these areas were really neglected. Then we has the lazy wooden door, the same one we use in settlements over and over. No double glass doors, no revolving doors, the same red/white/green wooden door over and over.

I'll give an example of good work, Super Duper Mart. I could see that as store. It made sense... it had a sales floor, registers, little eating area, workers lounge, storage, and a loading dock. I believed I was scavenging a market... why can't they do the same good job with all buildings you can enter? It reminds me of grade school 25 years ago when you had to do a class mural... and you had the kids that tried and were good artists, and then the others who svcked or didn't care, so parts looked great and others looked like puke, all on one big painting. Did they have 2 different teams?

-Graphics: They use the same texture of brick with painted on blue windows over and over and over. I get not every building can be explorable. I get the system has to run on the consoles. But really? You cant even use art to fool me into thinking it has depth? This looks like something from 15 years ago, not a 2015 AAA title. The thing is, in a lot of areas I find the graphics good... so why garbage in other areas?

Why does this matter? Why am I nitpicking? Because when I see this crap I'm painfully aware I'm playing a level in a game, not exploring a ruined city. It looks lazy and shoddy. If I didn't like the game I'd have quit and not bothered to post, the problem is, the game has a lot of good features and I do like to play, but their is so much crap in with the good. Anyway, can't wait for a mod for this like the city mods Skyrim got... whoever does it has their work cut out.

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