The point of Fallout Comes Alive would be to help and make the game world feel a little more alive, as well as to give consequences for actions the player decides to take over the course of the game. Further, nothing will be touched on the Main Quest line, as Bethesda did account a little bit better for outcomes over the course of this. As such, the focus would be on Side Quests, Unmarked Quests, and Repeatable Quests to try and have actions done during these mean a little bit more than just the reward of XP/Items/Karma you would get normally. This would also, in my opinion, close one of the gaps between FO3 and FNV where FO3 was absolutely lagging behind in.
This is something that would be well above and beyond my skill levels in modding (more so considering I have never modded for FO yet, only MW in the past), so I figured I would drop this here as an idea for any mod makers more experienced than I am (if anyone feels like taking a stab at this). So, with all of that, here are some of the ideas I was having regarding this:
Big Trouble in Big Town: This one actually has a few different aspects of it that I think could certainly be adjusted to compensate for player actions and make the game feel more alive (more so when you consider all the possible ways to do the quest) - lets discuss.
-Not Saving Shorty in Germantown: Negative Karma hit to player for no intervention
-Not Finding Shorty in Germantown: Allow player to untie and send Shorty to Big Town (currently he will be there unable to be untied)
-Saving the Town: Spawn 3 Big Town Settler NPCs in town (like Megaton Settlers), and 2 Big Town Scavengers around town
*Settlers Schedule: Very basic, wander town, interact, and sleep in Common House (spend lots of time in Clubhouse)
*Scavengers Schedule: Morning=Leave Town, Day=Wander Around Tow, Evening=Wander Town, Night=Sleep
-Letting Town Die: Spawn 2 special Super Mutants named with the names of characters from the town (Flash & Dusty) and disable their corpses in town
Blood Ties: This quest doesn't really have as many options regarding expansion, but there are still a few things that could be considered with it.
-Blood Donations: If the player negotiated a Blood Pack donation deal between The Family and Arefu, player can donate their blood to Ian
*Player Loses HP to reflect Blood Loss (10 HP)
*Player is Granted Karma Boost
*Player must NOT have the Hematophage perk
-Town Protected by The Family: Spawn 4 Arefu Settlers on basic schedules, 1 Names Merchant, large Shack for Arefu Common House, Scav Hut for Sales
*Arefu Settlers should have a basic schedule, spending most time wandering the town or in the new Common House
*Merchant should spend most of day in Scav Hut offering Sales, open from 9a-6p, goes to hut at 8 and sets up, works, lives in Common House
Head of State: This quest has a number of things that could be done to make more player intervention, but as there are already some neat features tied in (adjusted end game movie potential), only a little should be actually done with this.
-Escaping Without Pledge: If the player jumps out of a window to escape the Temple of the Union without pledging loyalty the group goes Hostile
*This will qualify as a Quest Failure scenario
-Memorial Poster: This should spawn in the museum before speaking with Caleb so the player can possibly have it already
Water Beggers: More of them should be added about the Wasteland to help provide more a feeling of desperation to things. This could also possibly be expanded to include new types of Beggers as well, such as those looking for food and caps to help them survive in the Wastes.
Those!: Start spawning new and smaller ants over time as Lesko continues his experiments on the brood. This could even be done in stages that take time from stage to stage to initiate where the ants progressively get smaller over time, being named with a random generational number (i.e.. Lesko Worker Ant Gen 10/32/63/etc - aside from size adjustments, there could also be other unexpected effects coming up like the fire was in the first place)
This is just a general idea, and still needs to be fleshed out considerably more than it currently is. Overall I would see it as being voiced with re-purposed vanilla voices, and as such the dialogue that would potentially added would be pretty basic (thus making it blend with the base game even more).
This would no doubt be a huge task, more considering the need of patches for some of the more popular mods, but I also thing it would be a major paramount for the FO3 modding scene.