Power Armor: I seriously doubt we'll ever be forced to do it, and I'm not sure what kind of RP would absolutely refuse to step into a suit of power armor in the first place - it's not like your Ninja character suddenly isn't a stealthy ninja for knowing how to operate a suit of Power Armor, and stepping into what is basically a vehicle. Just like it doesn't break RP for a marksman with no interest in melee combat to pick up some passing knowledge of melee by reading a melee skill book (or in Fallout 4's case, getting a unique melee perk from reading an issue of Grognak the Barbarian). The quest with Preston Garvey in particular looks like it has multiple means of completion, too, and we're missing several parts of it to begin with.
hardcoe mode: I doubt it, and definitely not in the same form that existed in New Vegas. I do think (and I'm mostly just guessing) that food and water aren't useless in the base game this time around, though.
Modding: They said the Creation Kit will hit PC in "early 2016", and after that they'll open up modding for the XB1. And after that, the PS4. We don't know anything else, I think.
Integrating mods for 3 & New Vegas: It's impossible to tell when Bethesda directly draws inspiration from the modding community, and when they just have the same ideas. I doubt Fallout 4 would have lacked iron-sights and sprinting if those mods didn't exist for the last games. And Bethesda will almost never name specific mods that inspire them, but they do pay attention to what happens in the modding community.