Hello, coming back to these forums after a long time and wanted to express some concerns about Fallout 4. Haven't had the time to read much about the game so I hope you answer my questions. To be honest, I did not like the first things I saw about F4, dogmeat and power armor use, at all, since they seem to go against what I like most in the series - player freedom. But hopefully it's not as bad as it looks.
About Dogmeat:
-Will he be imposed on you or will you be able to play without him?
-If you are able to play and choose to play without him, will you miss any content or gameplay features?
-If he is imposed, what if the player wants to RP without a dog?
Seems he will be just another companion! Only waiting for mods to make him mortal.
About the power armor:
-One may wish to RP in a certain way e.g. play a stealthy character, will it be imposed on you in certain parts of the game? Or will you choose when to wear it and not wear it at all if you want without gimping yourself and missing content?
About a hardcoe mode option:
-FNV had one, even if poorly implemented with not many features. Will Fallout 4 have one too? If no, anyone knows why?
About Fallout 4 modding:
-Has Bethesda said anything about mod support at all?
-Do they intend to improve mod stability and use a better scripting language?
About earlier Fallout mods:
-To my great joy, RTS was integrated into the game!
-I believe most of you know of "Alternate Start" since it was one of the most popular ones. Why hasn't Bethesda intergrated it in the game in a way that can fit with the main story?
-Will Bethesda use anything from the most popular F3 and FNV overhauls, FWE and Project Nevada?