What will be your go-to device for playing Fallout 4 on PC? I'll use M&K when modding, but will spend most of my time using my steam controller and steam link box playing on my TV
What will be your go-to device for playing Fallout 4 on PC? I'll use M&K when modding, but will spend most of my time using my steam controller and steam link box playing on my TV
I might try playing on my TV with a controller
Mouse and Keyboard here. The moment shooting is involved, they are my go to instruments for ultimate control and accuracy.
i use my xbox one Controller on fallout 3 and NV so will be useing for fallout 4 as well
Probaly controller first time around to break in the steam controller more.
This, right here. I'm completely unable to accurately control first-person-y games with a controller. I've had to skip some (apparently) good games on my consoles because of that.
(This carries over to other games that have similarly-accurate aiming & combat systems. I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn when I tried the Uncharted demo years ago, for instance.)
Mouse & keyboard all the way.
M&K. I just cannot use a controller with any degree of accuracy. One moment I'll be staring at my feet, (or the floor in Beth's games) the next I'll by looking at the sky. All the time trying to aim at a super mutant right in front of me. Barn door springs to mind.
The Steam controller does interest me though.
My brand new mouse, and my over a decade old keyboard.
i blame goldeneye and halo for teaching me passable skills with controllers too point were i know prefer them over mouse and keyboard for these type of games
crazy i know for someone who started gaming on a Commodore 64 and Rampage was my first game played before my dad bought me a NES
360 controller hopefully with some added Xpadder functionality.
I play with keyboard and mouse only. I just can't get a hang of playing with controllers.
Probably getting it on PS4 but if I do get the PC version eventually (current computer's crap) it'll be mouse and keyboard.
Mouse and Keyboard.
The only thing I like better about controllers is anolog movement, with m&k we're usually limited to sneak, walk, run, sprint. When it comes to aiming, nothing beats a mouse, and when it comes to customized controls nothing beats a keyboard.
I've got the same deal going on. I have an old http://archive.benchmarkreviews.com/images/reviews/input_devices/mechanical_keyboards/dell_sk8115_keyboard.jpg that I've had for over ten years now and a few month old http://pisces.bbystatic.com/image2/BestBuy_US/images/products/4642/4642008_sa.jpg;canvasHeight=500;canvasWidth=500.
Mouse and keyboard. it's just more precise. try picking up all those bottle caps in a dish (or in skyrim coins in a bowl) without picking up the dish while using the controller. you can't do it, i tells ya!
Mouse and keyboard here - No question about it!
Well said!
Mouse and keyboard is the only option for me. I don't even known a controller.
I've never touched a controller in my entire life. So...mouse and keyboard.
I thought PC users were full of crap about the mouse and keyboard being more accurate for years when gaming. Until I actually used a mouse for an fps controlled game...
Wouldn't want anything else now. Though I sometimes miss anologue directional buttons and a nice trigger button.