Fallout 4 Creation Kit 2016

Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:55 pm

It's more then likely many of us try to mod are games and somethings go right and wrong, but bethesda has stated that the creation kit for fallout won't be released until 2016. The xbox one & Ps4 creation kits will be available during the time of its release. I grantee that the creation set will have bugs or even pop-ups of dialogue popping up telling you lines from npcs in the game. The ideas of these creation kits are unique in all ways who doesn't want to mod their game from the start of the release. I however see this is going to be used to make the armors, weapons, building, houses and categories of redefined stuff being made in this creation kit. I for one have been working on a little side project for morrowind and to see that next year is when they finally release it the pc.

As many of us here have either made attempts to make mods or have came out with a W.I.P, REQ, REL. I however see this creation kit being a little bit more unique and easier to use. My ideas is to make Yoda for fallout 4 and i still have to look into this, kind of figured I'd start working on it, by looking at photos. I wanted to make it for the release of the new star wars movie, which i do not think i beable to do because it comes out in 2016, i however have the xbox one and pc, the xbox one mod tools might be a little different from the pc tools. I was wondering what is your thoughts on the new creation kit? For our next installment in the series of bethesda games which is fallout 4. I had thoughts about this for weeks of the abilities you will be able to use and the different things you can use that wasn't in the creation kit before. This thread is for the xbox one, Ps4 and PC creation kit I am not entirely sure if the creation kit will be on xbox one & Ps4? I do however know that i read on another site that bethesda is making the creation kit come out later after the games release, which will be 2016, the games comes out on the 10th of November of this year. What is something new you think they add to creation kit, also do you think this will be easier to learn how to use then all the other creation kits combined?



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Add Meeh
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:26 pm

Bethesda Game Studios said the Creation Kit will be available for PC only.

Mods will be available for PC, PlayStation 4 (PS4), and Xbox One though.

The Fallout 4 Creation Kit might have some tweaks compared to the The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Creation Kit. What those tweaks might be. I do not know since Fallout 4's Creation Kit is not released yet.

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Jordan Moreno
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:25 am

The Creation Kit will not be "dumbed down" to run on consoles...the kit itself is a PC only piece of software (or at least that's what Bethesda has stated so far). The mods themselves will be (in some way) install-able on the console versions of the games.

The modding tools for Bethesda games have always been released a few months after the games they go with, so this is not anything new.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:54 am

The Creation Kit is more like Pro Tools or Photoshop than anything you could possibly run on a console. I never expected this to be a point of confusion, but I guess it's not obvious to people who aren't familiar with modding or the Creation Kit.

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jenny goodwin
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:45 pm

Incorrect Morrowind shipped with it's construction set and Oblivion's was released along side the game as a separate download. New Vegas' Geck was also released along side the game. Only Fallout 3 and Skyrim had delays in their modding kits. Although Fallout 4 might have the biggest delay yet with it's geck, I hope not though.

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alicia hillier
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:02 pm

I'm very familiar with the construction set. I stated im working on a morrowind project, so how is it obvious that people don't know?

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RObert loVes MOmmy
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:23 pm

Your original post is rather unclear and kind of difficult to read (I'm guessing maybe English isn't your native language?) and certainly did not sound like it was made by someone familiar with the previously released tools.

Keep in mind that MANY console players are for the first time showing some interest in the modding scene (as it will possibly effect them now), so many questions have shown up here from uniformed posters.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:43 pm

I got that you're familiar with Bethesda's editors, I just didn't expect so many people (not just you) to think it would be a console thing. I think some people first heard about the Creation Kit thinking it would work like an in-game level editor, like Mario Maker or what LittleBigPlanet offers; I [censored] love in-game level editors (my all-time favorite game happens to be the only Mega Man game that includes one), but the Creation Kit is not such a tool.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:07 pm

It's best to wait a few months before modding though. Because of patches and DLC's.

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Amy Masters
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 5:26 pm

Beg to differ a bit here. Any new version of Creation Kit (or GECK) has a pretty steep learning curve.

If you start the day it is available, your mod will be ready about the time Fallout 4 stabilizes.

I for one look forward to firing it up the day it is released, just to see what has changed.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:28 am

Not sure about Elder Scrolls modding, but I seriously doubt that there was much change between the New Vegas Geck system and the Fallout 3 Geck system while there should be a lot of changes between the Fallout 3 Geck system and Fallout 4 Geck system.

As far as Elder Scrolls getting their construction set with the game, it could be due to the Elder Scroll team and Fallout team have different ideologies. It could be that Fallout wants to get the game done and the Geck system would get in the way of their work while Elder Scrolls wants people to change Tamriel as fast as they can.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 9:11 pm

They're the same team.

Skyrim didn't get the Creation Kit until a few months after release and Oblivion had it as download because presumably it wasn't ready in time to be added to the disk.

So, really Morrowind was the only one that 'Came with' the Construction Kit.

With each game, getting the CK/GECK ready for community use has taken a little longer each time.

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kirsty williams
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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:43 pm

So how do they plan to add mods on a console without a creation kit, im guessing steam right going to have their whole workshop or are they slapping a app just for mods for the xbox one and Ps4, like i said before i don't know to much about consoles i hardly did play console version of games bc i like to mod my own games, i have a couple mods already created that i didn't even release for morrowind. Bethesda has impressed me over the years of how using the construction set. the guides help read them, blender the greatest program i ever used to make a 3d model is very unique in all ways depends on what you make.

Not true you could start they day it comes out without the patches, people will complain about bugs and weird things that happen, also they end up reporting the videos posted on youtube.

Yea so many post have came up in this forum of fallout 4 and so many more will come when this sites gone and bethesda.net awakens.

I highly agree with you on that.

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:49 am

At this point we have little actual info of how mods are going to be distributed on consoles. The best guess is that consoles will have a system similar to Steam Workshop. However it's not going to be simple upload for the creations, everything must be approved by Beth & M$/Sony before people can download them.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:12 pm

They've said that console mods will be downloaded (and curated) through Bethesda.net. I'm not sure whether you'll connect directly with your console, or perhaps download the mod files on your PC and transfer them to the console via USB stick? I've not used a console since N64, so I'm not sure what the connectivity is like with the new gen machines.

Creating mods with the GECK will be a PC-only endeavor like it has always been. Mods will likely consist of BSA and ESP files just like Skyrim and Fallout 3, and I imagine those files will be used directly on all platforms. The engine differs per platform and deals with the platform differences, but the in-game content--textures, meshes, animation files, scripts, etc. are likely identical across platforms.

The fact that the content files are platform-agnostic means that it's fairly straightforward to share PC mods with consoles--they probably don't need to be compiled differently. Modders may simply submit their mods to Bethesda.net, and someone at BGS will review the content for unacceptable material before making the files available for download.

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Post » Tue Dec 01, 2015 10:39 pm

Last post I saw was that they hadn't really looked in to how it would work, without the kit it's not something that can be worked out so soon. It would appear that we make the mods on here and then have the choice to upload them to get vetted for consoles.

It seems there's a lot the Devs need to work out which is why the Geck isn't expected for some time.

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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:03 am

Beyond some possible changes to the scripting language and some tweaks to object properties, all the GECKs and CKs have had very little differences. Certainly there is a learning curve, but it's not even close to "steep". Now any major changes to the scripting language used is another story (and that has reportedly changed from Skyrim , but we don't know how much).

In terms of distribution to consoles, Bethesda.net is definitely part of the plan (or was when they announced at E3). As everyone has stated, it appears there is still a lot we don't know and possibly that Beth is still working out.

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Charles Mckinna
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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 7:11 am

Part of my concern are the reported changes to the .nif format, and the effect on Nifscope, Blender, and 3DS Max.

Getting all the parts to play nicely together I still expect to be - challenging. Will be delighted to be proved wrong.

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