It's more then likely many of us try to mod are games and somethings go right and wrong, but bethesda has stated that the creation kit for fallout won't be released until 2016. The xbox one & Ps4 creation kits will be available during the time of its release. I grantee that the creation set will have bugs or even pop-ups of dialogue popping up telling you lines from npcs in the game. The ideas of these creation kits are unique in all ways who doesn't want to mod their game from the start of the release. I however see this is going to be used to make the armors, weapons, building, houses and categories of redefined stuff being made in this creation kit. I for one have been working on a little side project for morrowind and to see that next year is when they finally release it the pc.
As many of us here have either made attempts to make mods or have came out with a W.I.P, REQ, REL. I however see this creation kit being a little bit more unique and easier to use. My ideas is to make Yoda for fallout 4 and i still have to look into this, kind of figured I'd start working on it, by looking at photos. I wanted to make it for the release of the new star wars movie, which i do not think i beable to do because it comes out in 2016, i however have the xbox one and pc, the xbox one mod tools might be a little different from the pc tools. I was wondering what is your thoughts on the new creation kit? For our next installment in the series of bethesda games which is fallout 4. I had thoughts about this for weeks of the abilities you will be able to use and the different things you can use that wasn't in the creation kit before. This thread is for the xbox one, Ps4 and PC creation kit I am not entirely sure if the creation kit will be on xbox one & Ps4? I do however know that i read on another site that bethesda is making the creation kit come out later after the games release, which will be 2016, the games comes out on the 10th of November of this year. What is something new you think they add to creation kit, also do you think this will be easier to learn how to use then all the other creation kits combined?