The whole aliens thing in fallout, i feel is met with a knee jerk reactioon.
The gaint creatures in Fallout were not what people in the 50's thought would happen if they were exposed to vast amounts of radiation. Instead, they were intended to be cautionary figures during an age where atomic energy and mans reaching into space was met with a huge amount of paranoia over the start of the cold war.
"It is often said that these themes represent or reflect a fear perpetuated by the onset of the Cold War in the mid 40s. That the decidedly paranoid and anti-communist paradigm shift in the US meant that such monsters and aliens embodied a totalitarian Red threat or invasion. Or, equally, a liberal backlash to the repression of McCarthyism.
These theories are sometimes, perhaps, a little simplified. The prevalence of these kinds of films was also due to a surge in technological obsession matched by improved special effects, while thematically and symbolically the ideas of authority, anarchy, invasion, socialism, nationalism, capitalism (and new scientific or technological consumerism and its repercussions) were probably an allusion to things happening within the borders of the United States, as well as things outside."
i know the crashed ship was an easter egg.
as was the godzilla footprint
as was the tardis.
What i would like to have is an actual conversation that doesnt reguritate this sentiment.
an actual conversatiion as to what the actual meaning of what fallouts creatures represent, and why they fit in the 50's world of tomorrow/Science/US vs Red paradigm- the very foundation of the fallout universe.