WastelandShadow : I don't much need any of these proposition i made. Just that some of them could make sense depending on how the discussion is handled.
Personnally, i prefered the 3 fallout games Obsidian did by a large margin and they were green-lighted by the current publisher on the last one.
The best scenario would be them all the way.
But otherwise, i am fine with all develloper continuing the sub-franchise they started.
So, if Obsidian keep the west coast sub-franchise, while Bethesda keep the east coast sub-franchise (improving it), and even Micro Forte keeping the Midwest tactical sub-franchise. (they have yet to be green-lighted, or even be interested to begin with)
That solution could appeal pretty much everyone on this board and keep the most talkative members things to argue about.
Also, i kind of like the idea of different sub-franchise loosely tied together rather than a big franchise.
So the different develloppers wouldn't have to reuse all the ideas provided by other devellopers.
On the other hand, i am following the work of CDProjektRED and they seem to have quite great ideas for The Witcher 3 & Cyberpunk 2077.
Notably, they intend to make open-world with multiple separate gameworld, each with their own environnement. It could fit pretty well with the current publisher's kind of games, while keeping the environnement fresh, as it is not crippled by the limits of a local perimeter.
But i don't like that they gave a voice and an already existing and quite heavy background to the witcher main character. (or rather, i don't think it would be good for fallout)
About the avatar, i am not even sure i currently have photoshop, so it have to be already existing.