Yeah there's a lot of problems with ED-E. I hope the next patch fixes all of his issues.
They'd better fix it. I stopped playing a couple weeks after release because I lost ED-E and I really cannot be bothered to play all the 40 odd hours I spent towards my current character. I played on hardcoe and ED-E carried quite a lot of my stuff and I do not want to scrounge around again.
After the patch I kind of got my hopes up that he might be returned. No dice.
And quite frankly the answer from the technical support to go and buy the DLC is a ridiulous slap in the face. I will not spend more money on something that did not work in the first place... Oh you lost your hard earned 60€'s on an unplayable game? Give us more money, so you can encounter new bugs.... Unbelievable.
As it stands now I'll wait for another patch. Can it be so hard to incorperate an item or button, that will summon your companions? They fast travel anyway. If this issue does not get resolved I'll just stop buying games with the Bethesda/ Obsidian label on them. I know, nobody cares, but If I'd deliver such quality at work, I could sleep longer in the morning because I would have been fired ages ago...
my 2 cents