Fallout 4 is immediately in love with its main quest, to the point of forcing your character to care about it in the dialogue.
Which is of course not why I play Bethesda games, nor I suspect why almost anyone plays Bethesda games. But that's beside the point. No, the point is, it's not very well done even in its intention.
Right in vault 111 you, in first person, have dialogue put in your mouth trying to portray your character as confused, scared, lost, and in a desperate need to "find your son!" And then 2 seconds later you're lovingly crooning over a gun sealed in a case because you're also a gun obsessed nutcase that doesn't give one sh*t about their son or anything else.
And all of the dialogue is like this. In the same conversation you switch between "Have you seen my son!" and "Son? What son? I only care about murdering everything in my path HAHAHAHA!" and etc. etc. etc. You are almost inevitably portrayed as some crazed schizophrenic with multiple personality disorder. Not that it matters because all your dialogue ever ends up with is "Ok, I'll go and kill everything over here."
Skyrim was badly written, no question. But at least the quests gave you different things to do. Fallout 4 is badly written and only ever has you kill things, with no recourse to do anything else. Oh I enjoy exploring the world, and obsess over crafting everything I can, including overly ridiculous settlements. But I avoid actually speaking to any NPC or getting any quest whatsoever like the plague.