So far I have found issue with a great many things related to the game, but dialogue is a huuuge part of my problems. Leaving alone the voiced protagonist (despite how I wish to rant on that as well), I think the system is incredibly flawed.
First of all, the four choices are in many cases awful to choose from and give hardly any indication of what the protagonist is going to say. In fact, in my very limited amount of time with the game thus far, I have run into multiple instances where the dialogue wheel will just tell me the direction of the conversation. By this I mean that instead of giving an indication of what will be said, it merely tells me things like "Angry".
Second, when I do have some idea of what might be said with the limited information they display in the wheel, my character will either 1.) Say something completely different to what I expected 2.) Say it in a tone or way that is entirely wrong for the conversation. I have had to reload conversations multiple times because I tried saying something to an NPC or a companion in what I thought might have been a casual way or empathetic or something, and instead my character sounds like a [censored].
Third, the options are very limiting. Playing Skyrim before this games release had me incredibly upset with Bethesda dialogue as more often than not it seemed there were only one or two dialogue options (why even have dialogue choices with only one freaking option). Now when there are four choices I still end up getting only one actual choice out of it.
I often hang out with a bunch of RPG enthusiasts at college (though I will say they are more hardcoe than I am) and thus far the general consensus regarding this game is "meh". Even with Skyrim some of them had fun with it after disregarding it as an RPG. In every way I can think of, this game has just seemed average to me. Nothing so far has svcked me in or made me even care.