*I assume that you meant being raised in the vault as having a predefined background? But of course, one cannot choose their parents.
If they rework it, to be close as how ME or DA wheel work yeah it could work. Right now the system have some lack points.
In all honesty: I absolutely adore the new dialogue system. I cannot believe anyone would wish to go backwards to some clunky unbelievable old system. The dialogue system makes this game and its characters come alive.
QQ all you want but Fallout ALWAYS preset u. U always have part of your background pre-made for u. No meter how much u work for it.
Or u think it make RPG wise senses that u are a dirty tribal from arroyo and u are a expert on computer???????????
So really why so much QQ about having a background as a War veteran or a Lawyer
No way it can be better when I have no idea what exactly I will reply. Vague short words are not improvement over full dialogs.
I wish that when we highlight the option it would change into longer version with full sentence. "Sarcasm" is not exactly very descriptive as far as details go.
And I see it the same as here: you have some hard-put definitions, but you can still make your own details.
Personally, I think FO3 and NV are the worst: your character's background in FO3 was way too defined while NV did something much worse IMO: it started by making you think it is a clean state, but as it progressed you realize it is not so... and then Lonesome Road outright forces some background onto you an you need to rewrite your character's background. Thankfully, my character did come from California so there was nothing much I had to rewrite but if someone had made some complex background story, like a character coming from Arizona and becoming a Courier... well Ulysses practically killed him.
Much prefer Daggerfall. Since not voiced you could ask anyone almost anything.
No, not at all. And the fact that I expect a new entry to the series to have actually improved in things that were already there in previous games made me even more disappointed.
I only got 3 hours played before I hit a game-stopping bug, but the dialog system and the voiced protagonist had already started to bother me.
BTW My biggest problem and beef is with disappearing subtitles, glitchy subtitles, sticky subtitles that don't progress, subtitles from different sources overwriting each other, missing subtitles for many radio talks.
Sometimes I choose something to say and subtitles completely vanish while speech is silent or there's a lot of gunfire going on.
This is terrible with capital T.
Seems like your machine might have a problem as I never saw anything like that.
In other words, go to tech support and report the bug.
As someone who enjoyed Fallout 1,2, and 3, I just never cared for New Vegas. You literally could change the entire course of the Mojave Wasteland and influence established factions in ways an outsider/wastelander should not have been able too. I have many other gripes about that game but I would consider it the worst of the Fallout series.
Now, In response to the OP - Yes, I think it is a step backwards. The voiced PC could have been great if they implemented it and presented it in a different way. Still give us the little box with multiple, varying responses, and some that required certain SPECIAL ranks and others that would be gender related. Have these varying responses lead to multiple ways to approach and progress a quest while also having certain responses come with certain consequences.
Instead, we get this slack dialogue wheel where every response is a slightly different variation of the same point and yields the same progression and responses.
Is a very poor attempt at Fallout dialogue. So poor that it could be stripped all together and still yield the same experience.
Seems to be a console thing since I play on PS4 atm.
Not really, most trust in you because Mr. House invited you to his Casino and thought you were some big fish. And Mr. House invited you because he calculated that you would be a useful agent. the rest is just a domino effect.
To be honest, this is less about the wheel and more about Beth designing the dialogue. There is nothing stopping Beth from adding more prerequisites and I won't be surprised if G.E.C.K. includes the ability to add SPECIAL and Perk checks.
So even if there was no wheel, it would remain the same... and truth be told, it was far worse in FO3 where you had multiple dialogue options and all of them lead to the exact same thing (very few, like demotivating Moira, being an exception).
I feel like you intentionally didn't read my post and just looked at the picture, so I'll say this again:
It was fun being able to give your character a personality, even if some dialogue options were just for "flavor".
It was fun being able to solve problems and bypass conflicts using your character's skills and SPECIAL (other than just charisma) in conversation.
Fallout 4 removed this fun.
Those two things in red, especially the second one, are GONE in Fallout 4. That is objective fact. Clearly you didn't care for those things. That's fine, but many people did.
While I like medical expertise and other to be a factor in the dialogue, I found it was lame in previous games, that you could actually see that you need Skill 50 to pass the check. IMHO its more realistic as it it now, that you only know that there is a speech check and you get an idea how difficult it is, but you can not be sure in advance if you will pass or fail it. ( at least that was the case in New Vegas )
Exactly. This is exactly what we're complaining about.
Then why not improve upon this system rather than remove it entirely?
Pretty much how I feel too.
It's so weird to pick a one or two word response and then blabber off a whole sentence that was nothing like what I wanted to say. Very disappointing.
"Sarcastic" always seems to be an option and it's fun to hear the responses, but it would be nice to know what you say before you say it. It feels like I'm one of those people who says things without saying it in your head first and then I go "Oh my God, did I just say that??" lol
I never advocated to remove it, so I can not answer that question.
However, are we sure it is removed? So far the mechanism of the speech is invisible for the player. Or has someone checked the math behind it already?
So does anybody knows about a english version of this mod?
Actually, this is probably the worst part of the new system. You don't know if you will pass the speech check on that attempt, but if you quicksave and try again? You might just pass. It might take 5 tries, it might take 2 tries, but eventually RNG will flow your way and you'll pass. I fully expected to fail a red speech check - intuitively red seems like it would mean my character doesn't possess the necessary skill, right? Nope. Decided to give it 5 rounds of quicksave\reload just to see how it would go, and I passed the check on the third try.
With how heavily RNG the system is I wonder if there is even any point to the CHR stat, nevermind the fact that they seem to have gotten rid of the other dialogue options that were other-stat based. It's a watered down system that doesn't feel like there's any point to building out a stat.
This just feels like an awful attempt at being a BioWare game. Think of the worst, most non-sensical and terrible response that you weren't expecting because it in no way matched the dialogue wheel option from a Mass Effect game, and then multiply it by 100 and you have Fallout's new dialogue system. I especially hate how in certain conversations you can't just not talk about this stupid baby we're supposed to feel affinity for. I went through every single dialogue option with a certain character until I couldn't progress because the 'correct' response was "I'm beside myself with worry about my son!". This game really forces you into one role and there's no point of a dialogue wheel if the story is this heavily scripted anyway. It's a waste of time and the options barely add flavor. Just tell the story you want to tell and get it over with so I can go back to not caring about this life you expect me to identify with. Don't even give me response options that don't address this past if I'm not allowed to use them. Waste of time for both of us.