Bethesda lack soul in my honest opinion. They will never be able to make a true and deep RPG on their own. Not when their entire focus lies in lots and lots of window dressing. I've bought every game since the outstandig Daggerfall, but Bethesda need to finally evolve for me to ever buy another. Pairing up with Obsidian is likely a step in the right direction. Obsidian has got a little of that Bioware magic and could teach Bethesda a thing or two.
Immoral Fallout World influenced by ESRB rating. I feel like fallout game is less naughty than before. It also looks like that Bethesda is trying to make Fallout 3 available at any countries on the world, by reducing much of naughty/immoral things.
If you by any country mean USA only. Agreed! Europeans and other western nations don't share in the sixual hangups that you are burdened with in the states. In a game so laden with grotesque violence it smacks of that special brand of american hypocracy. Slaughtering thousands is okey, going to first base with someone is not. A post-acopalyptic setting is not a place for strong quasi-puritanical values!
Hiring the writers of the Tombstone TV-series would be a wet dream come true for me in this regard.

Battle system is not so good. Fallout battle system originally is tactical but Fallout 3 change it into action. The problem is the action itself is not good as FPS game like Call of Duty, or Gear of War as Third-PS. It feel like hanging in the middle.
We're in absolute agreement on this issue. The FO3 battle system is a hybrid which is actually LESSER than the sum of its parts. It's neither here nor there. I'd prefer the next iteration to go full out FPS to be frank. Turn the tactical bit into a slowmotion bullet time system rather than the immersion killer VATS constitute.
The population is too small. I feel Fallout 3 is empty, you can event count the number of city population by your fingers. In previous Fallout game, I can still forgive since at the time, computer power is not as strong as today. I hope Fallout 4 using some kind of random spawning pedestrian to make the city more populace like in GTA series.
You've part right, part wrong here. A little more random life would be a breath of fresh air into the stale Bethesda setting. However, never forget that this is supposed to be a ravaged and partly desolate world. The GTA comparison is therefore out of place.
Sometimes I play the game is not for adventure or even work / having job inside the game. Instead I just want getting fun and do crazy things.
Crazy things like having actual character development or NPCs that are not mere automations? For Bethesda, that's totally insane stuff, man! Here's hoping Obsidian get to do this part without ANY interference by Beth.