I think the next fallout or a dlc needs to be set in Texas.
Factions: Texas Rangers, BoS, and some third faction.
Info about factions: Texas Rangers would be against Bos due to the fact of they kill people to achive their goal innocent or not.
Texas Rangers would be a little like The Minutemen, but more as one of the 3 main factions.
Locations in Texas: The map would be in Austin( Texas capitol) and sourrounding area.
in This area you would have the following vaults:
Vault 5 - This vault was designed to test the effects of living in an underground city larger than any other vault.
Vault 10 - This vault was designed to advance recovery of the wasteland by removing the radiation from the soil via tubes that transported experimental stuff to outside the vault into the soil/dirt that removes radition. Due to this vault most of Austin is radiation free.
Vault 14 - This vault was designed to work with vault 10 to send out armed teams to maintain and repair buildings that needed repairing.
before vault 10 completed their radiation extraction they had hazmat suits they wore and due to construction problems they lost a few people over time due to cuts in their suits. While in this vault they preped and prepaird. Having a Mr Handy type and lots of tapes to teach new generations their trade skills.
vault 20 - This vault housed the Texas rangers and their families.
and about 2 other vaults that is decayed and has been taken over by hostile people.
The Player:
You came from vault 5. A large underground city. These people where the ones ment to repopulate the earth. While most other vaults where for experimenting on people. These people are ment to be the future.
You get to choose your family to be born from. example ( you grew up with your parents as an underground farmer, or your parents where scientists/doctors/teachers/cooks/etc.. and you get a perk from the one you choose.
Players title: The Vault boy or something else.
Why the player left the vault:
One day the lower part of the vault where the farms are, has a wall break and water gushes in. They turn on the pumps to stop it, but the pumps are broken and need repaired. The vault doesn't have a replacement. They managed t stop the whole vault from flooding, but the entire lower level where the farms is, is flooded. Your job is to find a replacement part. come to find out just one of the other vaults has one, but won't just hand it over. they require you complete some quests for them first. and basicly you have to pick a faction. If you pick Texas Rangers they will help you get the part by helping you complete your quests and have some of their own for you. If you go with BOS you can bomb the vault door and get in. kill the people and take the part you need. then BoS takes over the vault. or you can go with the third faction and not sure what that is yet. but you can't get what the vault wants on your own. It's something massive.
Anyway, Just an idea. I would love to see a Fallout Texas in any shape or form. the above was just an example.