In 2073, the Bloomfield Space Center was in the process of building a rocket that would go to Mars. However, as nuclear proliferation reached an all-time high as tensions mounted around the globe in the midst of the Resource Wars, the U.S. government completed a space station/satellite that housed two-dozen nuclear missiles, each carrying four warheads as a reaction to possible nuclear threats. This orbital station was named the Ballistic Orbital Missile Base, or the B.O.M.B.-001, and it was considered the ultimate offensive weapon by the American military. The only things missing on the station when the Great War began were the main power reactor and the launch instructions and codes for the missiles. However, since all other space and rocket facilities had already used up their resources constructing the missiles for the station and launching the cargo rockets that carried them to the base, the U.S. needed to scramble to get the much needed codes and a power reactor to the station. Their answer was to convert the Mars rocket into the vehicle that would carry the codes and reactor to the base. The conversion started in 2074.
In August 2076, the Hermes-13 space rocket was completed and ready to launch at Bloomfield. Unfortunately, by October 2076, funding for the rocket and the Bloomfield center had to be drastically cut and diverted to the development of Vault technology, thanks in large part to the rising world tensions and the imminent threat of nuclear war between the United States and China. As a result, the launch of the Hermes-13 had to be put on hold. All personnel, except for a skeleton maintenance crew, were reassigned to other locations. Bloomfield, B.O.M.B.-001, and Hermes-13 were essentially mothballed. In November 2076, the Enclave seized control of the Bloomfield Space Center. They knew nuclear war was imminent, so they tried to refit the Hermes-13 and convert it into a vehicle that would take selected personnel (mainly themselves) off-planet, the destination to be determined.
Unfortunately for the Enclave, the nuclear bombs started dropping less than a year later. All Enclave personnel at the space center were either relocated to "hot-spots" or took cover away from Bloomfield. The last people to leave shut down the sub-reactor at Bloomfield and abandoned the facility, letting Hermes-13 and Bloomfield brave the elements of the post-nuclear wasteland.
And then sometime later affter the fallout before the oil rig Is destroyed they sent the rocket up there. And made it a bace of operations. I could even list a few quest if you all want.