Fallout 4 DLC

Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:40 am

Sorry in advance If I put this in the wrong spot

Bethesda, Todd Howard, or whoever makes the DLCs etc for Elder Scrolls and Fallout;

I’ve made suggestions in the past and seen them come out in game in the form of DLCs later on like Dawn Guard’s Vampire Lord Form and a Blood Chalice to increase vampiric powers. I posted it on every site I could find and sometime later, got to play it. I’m hoping now that it will work again.

I had an idea for DLC that I think would be very fun to play and would fall in very nicely with the Fallout world. The player and his family have had ties to a diabolical organization called “The Institute” from the start of the game. This organization is leaps ahead of the rest of the world technologically and is the father of synthetic humans and artificial intelligence.

A potential ally of the player in the Fallout titles called “The Brotherhood of Steel” are against the creation of self-aware artificial intelligence and see synthetic humans as a threat. The only potential friends to synthetic humans would be either “The Railroad” or “The Minutemen”.

There is a place in fallout 4 that has technology capable of transferring memories from human and synthetic brains into.. well into anything really.

I won’t go into details but a person in the institute knew that the player was released from cryostasis and wanted to see how he/she would survive in the wasteland. This person could of had a failsafe if the player were to die prematurely, but since the player turned out to be a powerhouse super mutant killing machine, the failsafe was never used.

I’m thinking The Institute or a rogue branch of The institute should put the failsafe into play by kidnapping the player and putting his/her mind into a synthetic body after they steal the technology needed to do it. The body would be an advanced prototype that uses little to no organics. It would instead have microscopic machines or nanites that imitate organic functions to help it seem human. It wouldn’t need to breathe have a heartbeat but it would primarily to prevent its true nature from being discovered.

One motivation for doing this could be to infiltrate The Brotherhood of Steel and assassinate a new leader or sabotage them in some way or another. The player would be forced to carry out the mission to a point and then would be given the option to fight the program’s control. When that happens the player will either fight the control of the program or die fighting The Brotherhood.

From here a whole new perk system could be introduced, the player could be given the ability to imitate NPC faces to infiltrate enemy groups. In that situation the player would just be added to the faction while wearing the face.

The player could get software and hardware updates as he/she adventures. You could call it adaptive technology and the nanites could learn to imitate things that encounters or fights. The Player would likely need to befriend and steal a lead scientist from the team that built his new body to help with some of the upgrades as he goes. Some perks for this could be a toggle for thermal and night vision, an improved HUD etc etc

This could also open the door to transformation so that fallout could get the Vampire Lord/ Werewolf feel from Skyrim. The player could transform into some robotic beast with glowing eyes and claws maybe. Who knows that’s just the 1st thing that comes to mind, I’m sure you guys could come up with cool transformations though.

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Wayland Neace
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:18 am

If I had a penny for every time somebody claimed they'd come up with these ideas and that Bethesda used their suggestion.......

As to the rest of your suggestion. One major problem.

Doing the main quest and completing it on a particular path can completely invalidate this idea due to the consequences to certain factions.

Also, sorry to rain on your parade, but you're not the first person to suggest that the player ends up in a synth body of some description.

Also, that last part about transforming was just so bad, I think sick just came up.

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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:02 am

How about improved third person combat mechanics dlc first?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:01 am

Hey, you wanna get charged for that as a DLC that's up to you.

I'd prefer it in a free patch B)

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:46 am

I don't know why you would be so hostile about it. I put it on enough forums that you could probably search and find it yourself if you don't believe it maybe I'll do it myself and link it but since I don't really care if you believe. I might not bother. It was shortly after release so its been awhile. The idea wasn't even mine to start with, I got it from an old episode of the Batman cartoon featuring a man-bat creature and saw something similar on a Van-Helsing movie. There was also the Bran Stoker's Dracula movie that had a similar form. The Blood Chalice I made myself as a way to move vampires up an age category on a game/story I've been working on.

If someone else thought about an expansion making the player a synth before me, I say great idea and good job whoever you are. Not sure why you thought it would bother me also not sure why you would want it to. Sounds like you are just one of those negative types that like to try and verbally bully people on forums probably trying to compensate for some IRL shortcoming.

Yeah, I didn't put much into the transformation part at the end because I'm not too sure how I feel about it yet. As to to it being a bad idea, I know that I could make it work. I'm not trying to spoon feed every little bit and line of dialogue in this one suggestion. If you can't figure out a way to make it "non-sickening" then I'd have to say that's more of a reflection on your weak imagination.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:39 am

Didn't mean to come across as hostile, but really I remember dozens of threads back after Dawnguards release with people saying 'They used my idea for the Vampire Lord' None of them offere anything to back that up, if you can kudos, and I'll believe you.

And Bethesda have never used a single persons ideas as basis for DLC content. They look at majority opinions and make changes, maybe look at popular mods, but they've never picked one persons ideas.

also, descending to personal comments, really?

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:03 am

I found one already, I posted on sooo many sites =( I dont have permission to post links... "descending to personal comments, really?" You made it sound kind of personal, as if you were trying to punish me for having ideas. I apologize if I misread your intent. I dont have permission to post links... ht------tp://wwt------w.sargunster.------com/btwt------forum/viewtopic.phpt------?f=8&t=1797 if this works just take away every "------" and look it up yourself

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:25 am

Hopefully that's not a rule violation. The way I posted it, it doesn't function as a link so hopefully its okay.

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Nick Jase Mason
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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:18 am

Looking over it, this one mentions the Vampire Lord form but not the chalice, I think I came up with that after this post. I posted on pretty much any site that mentioned Skyrim. I was a little rude back then, I forgot about some of the things that I wrote, sorry Bethesda. I just remember loving the werewolf form so much but I loved vampires more in general. I was disappointed that vampires couldn't be cool to xD I don't really feel like searching more posts atm, guess you'll just have to settle for the one without the chalice.

I found another one on a different site but its the same post, if you want it let me know. I'll try to give it to you via steam maybe as I'm not allowed to post links here.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:39 am

So.... I had an epiphany of what might be some good content for a fallout 4 DLC. The moon.

I know what you’re thinking. Like WHAT??? How is that logically possible???

When you go to the museum of freedom, where you first meet Preston, and read ALL the placards. You’ll eventually find one describing a battle between America and some communist force (presumed china/USSR or something like that) having taken place in the sea of tranquility.

Do you know where the sea of tranquility is? No? On the moon.

It can be presumed from the context of the placard that we won. The US established a predominate presence on the moon and then DEFENDED it from an invasion by communists.

That means that the moon has at least one massive moon base. Do you know what it would be like if you’re an astro-marine (an astronaut soldier) serving your tour of duty on the friggin moon and you look back at earth just to watch it explode in nuclear hell-fire?

What if you had like a vault on the moon with like cryo tech or something or enough supplies to keep you and your family and their descendants alive for the next 200 years? Forever waiting for a way to go “home”. Or like solar radiation just turned most of them into space ghouls.

Then? Mother ship zeta. the lone wanderer destroys part of an alien fleet sending one of their ships spiraling towards the moon causing an impromptu invasion of aliens onto the moon and providing the moon colony a means to finally return home.

But not without help. So they send out a distress signal or something. I don’t know. I’m not good at writing how this stuff would work.

and in classic fashion you either get abducted by aliens, fix up that one crashed ship where you got the alien blaster, or like some of the teleportation tech satellites those brains over at big Mt. Were working on crashes and is reprogrammed by the moon colony to get you to the moon, stranding you up there until you get yourself/everyone a way to get down from there.

Could you imagine the number of weapons they'd have to come up with? And it'd create a whole new environment where most, if not, all of your weapons and armor don’t work unless you modify it so that they can in outer space. (Conventional firearms don’t work in space, space suits or die type of stuff) plus think of all the modifiable alien weapons and armor!!! With like two new power armors, one meant for space combat that the moon-colonists were using, and the other is your characters pure ingenuity and creating a suit of power armor from alien stuff. Just think if you were able to help the moon colonists get better access to food, water, and fresh air, you could have fully functioning settlements ON THE MOON!!! And of course it opens up a full range of new junk and scrap items, like alien materials, space age items, and even stuff like star metal.

WOULDN’T IT BE AMAZING TO VISIT THE MOON IN A FALLOUT GAME!?!?!?!? I don’t know about the rest of you, but if you’re like me and want to go to the moon, spread this around all over the place, man!!! Bethesda needs to see that we want to go to the moon and they’ll make a damn good story about going to the moon!!! I’m already excited!!!

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:35 pm

I'm not sure if I'd want to go to the moon. I imagine if they fought battles over it, they must of had decent sized settlements up there. I imagine it would be like above and below ground vault construction and power armor or space suit needed along with some LRVs to travel between those settlements. I always liked space and loved the Mass Effect series, but for some reason the moon has never really interested me. I wont let that stop me from trying to see your vision though. Knowing how people might feel about giving up characters that they worked hard on, the expansion probably wont require you to make a new one so something would have to draw the current heroes attention skyward. Maybe the classic "Distress Beacon" ploy could work in that regards and an amplified version of The Institute's teleporter could provide a way there which would force the hero to construct another one on the moon to return to Earth.

The moon could have colonies on its surface but also have a cave system large enough to house an underground civilization. The underground could be terraformed but grown wild since no one had been there to tend to it. This would open the door to escaped creatures designed or mutated to be living in this underground ruins/garden. Creatures, caves, and ruins in an underground lunar jungle might have all the elements needed for a little adventuring fun. There would have to be a self renewing power source and lights large enough to imitate the sun. I liked "Operation: Anchorage" but would hope something like this wouldn't end up with a similar feel to it.

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