Fallout 4 Dreams

Post » Sat Dec 12, 2015 1:00 am

So, I know obviously the game hasnt exactly been out long, but I am already dreaming of future content DLC. And what is this content I am dreaming of? Why, a sequal to Mothership Zeta of course.

Because the Lone Wa...Survivor is from Pre-War era, and was in the US Military, I think it would be plausable, *I SAID PLAUSABLE, NOT LIKELY* that he met Elliott Tercorien during his training or before he was shipped out to Alaska.

With all the becon's of civilization being placed all over the place by Lone Survivor at places like Sanctuary, we could assume that the message includes Lone Survivor's name, or at some point his name is mentioned on the radio, and the broadcast, is picked up abord the ship Zeta, just after the Zeta ended up shooting down a lone straggler alien scout craft, which *SPOILER* Ends up crashing in the Lone Survivor's nearby area. Upon learning that Lone Survivor is alive,Elliott Tercorien could beam down to meet him, thus starting up a "Defend Earth from a NEW even LARGER alien vessel, or fleet" quest line. Or even traveling to a entirely different planet to explore invade the aliens outpost there. The ideas are limitless.

Other features that this sort of DLC would offer is new furniture, other decor for your settlements, the ability to create teleport pads, and all the unique alien crafting resources you could find.Alien epoxy anyone? How bout those cool alien crystals for more caps? And of course the weapons and armor you could find. Then there could also be a tie in to allow the Lone Wanderer to meet the Lone Survivor too. *Doesnt need to happen but would be amusing for a crossover* Mothership Zeta could be fully repaired too by that time, including its factory, allowing them and by assocation, you, to build pre war grade looking items. I would love to create some of those alien chairs and stuff for the settlements personally.

Anyway just a idea, but if done right, this could be as cool as Shivering Isles was for Oblivion.

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Post » Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:04 pm

Well I'm looking forward to whatever Bethesda dreams up for the DLC. My hopes are for a broken steel like pack. Which basically adds more to the main game, types of enemy, more weapons & more options for settlement building, which covers some of what you stated. I purchased my DLC season pass the other day, so here's waiting.

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