But 1&2 where opeing you to the world, we've already been open to it for a long time... so we need more interesting quests...such as:
Fallout 3:
Tenpenny Tower (I played it five times)
Big trouble in Big Town
Blood Ties (after you meet the vampires it's incredible)
Reilly's Rangers
Stealing Independence
The Replicate Man
You Gotta Shoot 'Em in the Head
and the unmarked quest where you have to find Argyle...
The Bright Brotherhood Mission
While those quests were sorta interesting, I find your NV comparsion to be kinda weak. And Vampires.... no, seriously? :rolleyes:
I already posted a list, feel free to compare the F3 theme-park, Spongebob quests to 'em too!
NV offers, like have dan said, more realistic and ordinary quests, as opposed to the 'cool epic adventure' wacky ones of TES or F3. Still, it's subjective BUT I believe that NV is the step in the right direction since it's the closest to the original creators vision(Fallout 1 & 2).
Not couning better factions, more humor (dark humor),
I suppose that these generic bad guys and good guys' cater more to your tastes, since you've come straight from Oblivion. Please don't take this as an offense, it's just an observation.

And Dark humour? Surely, you jest. Todd Howard's(or it was Emil in that video?) reendition of 'dark humour' with limbs getting exploded or pinning heads with railway spikes(yes only this. If you've watched the DD's , the developer actually considered this to be the main factor of DR) is laughable at best, but surely not considered as Fallout dark humour, objectively speaking.