Fallout: End

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 am

By Vault101Dweller

War... War never changes. Since the dawn of time, when monkeys learnt the power of tools, man has evolved, and so has the power to kill. When Swords were made Shields were not far behind. When the power of gunpowder was learnt, man has constantly bombarded each other with bullets and bombs. The power of Atom was developed and now holds the biggest threat to human kind, with over three quarters of the world holding the power of this magnificent force, War... War has just changed.

Chapter 1 ? A new life.

Sergeant Alec Raymond of Vault Tec, Alec looks like he has seen many battles with a scar down his face past his left eye and a bulky look not fat but pure muscle he's around about 37, has just arrived for a meeting with his boss at Vault 43.
"Hey Sam, how you doing?" Alec says to the guard outside the overseer's office.
"I'm fine Alec, Boss wants you inside the overseer's office." Sam looks like a weak nimble young man but Alec knows he can bring down a gang of men.
"Thanks Sam."
Alec enter the office to find the boss looking through the window at all the workers. "Nice of you to make it Alec." The Boss looks at his watch "On time... as usual." He say sarcastically
"Sorry Boss... Problems at Vault 40."
"That's okay, now I have chose you to have a place in this vault, I want you to have this key to the Armoury, in case of problems. And now go find a quarter you want, any size you want, Also there is a safe under each bed, choose the room then come back to me. I'll give you the keys."
"Thank you Boss."
Alex leaves the office and goes to the elevator and goes down 20 floors to the living quarters and chose the biggest room 'Room .M. 23', the 'M' stood for Male, Alec went inside and saw two more rooms. One Room was disguised in the other room, the door to this room was a wall. Alec opens the door to see his own personal armoury and medical room.
"I knew you'd like is Sergeant." Says Sam at the door of the second room.
"You did this Sam?"
"Yes Sir, All made nice for you, I know your going to need it."
"Thank you."
"I leave you to it.... Oh by the way, here's the key to your safe, It's not under your bed, I moved it, it's in the armoury, next to the Mark VII Smg."
Sam walks out but bumps into the Boss.
"Sorry Boss."
Alec quickly closes the armoury door and locks it, It instantly disguises its self.
"Get out of here Sam." Says the Boss
"Hey Boss."
"Hi Alec."
"I like your room, nice choice."
"Thanks Boss, I need to get back on patrol."
"Okay Alec I'll see you later. I'll get your things brought down by another Guard."
"By the way Boss, I'm taking Sam with me, were going to go on a few Vault ? Checks."
"That's okay. Go."

Alec leaves the room and gets the elevator up to floor 4, the Auditorium, there he meets Sam, and they walk up the Stairs to the entrance of the Vault, "Oh Alec, I forgot my gun. I'll get one out of the locker, one minute." Sam runs down to the closest locker and grabs a gun. "Let's go." Says Sam
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