Fallout 4 endings, decisions and headache!

Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:03 am

Hey Everyone,

I am currently at the level of the main story, where I finished the Bunker Hill battle, got Father a little pissy but still got invited to meet the board. (forgot the quest name)

So, I assume it is time for decision making soon and it is giving me a big big headache....

I do know, that the ways of the Institute are not mine, but that's where the problems begin.

I do understand the general need of the Railroad to help those who escape and make sure they see them to a better life....but will that help me in my tries to rebuild the Commonwealth after the Institute is gone?

Thinking about this problem, I do somehow tend more towards the BoS, simply knowing they will be there, provide constant air support, see the vertibirds come down for raids....

Anyone else torn between those two? How did you make your decision?

How would your character explain to him/herself that she got rid of what was probably the biggest force and help there was if you took out the BoS?

If you chose to side with the BoS, how does your character live from there on? Are you still living in your settlements, do you stay on the ship, as a soldier of the Brotherhood should?

Question about a specific quest, so dont read this if you have not made contact with anyone in the Institute yet:

Is it possible for me to go through with the Railroads quest to help a large amount of Synths out of the Institute successfully and STILL end up with the Brotherhood? They don't have to know what I've been up to down there B)

Would be interesting to hear from someone who is in the same boat, basically making up their mind about those two factions daily :)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:41 am

Well if you side with BOS you do get your quaters on the ship but as always since you are main protagonist of the game other general faction rules dont rly apply to you, so you can still run your settlments and do whatever.(also post main story if you sided with BOS you get promoted to sentinel which wud basicly mean you are second in command right after Maxton).

Also in my opinion only faction that is rly about helping out the common people of the wasteland is the Minuteman and they are not mutualy exclusive with any other faction, so you can do the Minutmen stuff while allinging with anyone else.(they are also only faction that is not genocidal towards other ones).

Now about justirfication none of the factions are good, they are all moraly grey at best each with their own set of flaws(except mybe Minuteman but those are basicly what you make em to be as their leader, since you rebuild em up from the start), so it all comes down to personal preference.

Also about doing stuff for multiple factions it is possibile up to certain extent i havent rly played out the RR story jet so i dont know the quest you are talking about, but in general all factions have a quest that is basicly point of no return where you commit to them after that switching is imposibile. Also there rly is no point in saving synths from Institue or anywhere if you are gonna side with BOS since BOS will exterminate em(Railroad organization included)

Unfortunatly all main factions except Minuteman are genocidal so they will always kill eachother out(so out of institue, BOS and RR only one can survive, Minuteman can work with any of them or fly solo up to you)

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Post » Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:52 am

From my perspective,

Minutemen - Total good, there to help people

RR - Good, but misguided at times and too focused on synths

BoS - Neutral-ish. They'll slaughter synths, and exclude (maybe accidentally slaughter) ghouls. Plenty of good people in their ranks, but the leadership is borderline evil.

Institute - Evil, but don't know it. Most of the higher ups don't recognize that 3rd generation synths are even sentient enslave them or destroy them without consideration. They'll murder anyone to further their goals (ie, replace them with synths to achieve various objectives in the wastes). Plenty of good people in their ranks, but the leader is evil.

The sad thing is, you can't truly direct any of the factions. The BoS could be good with a change of leadership, but there is no way to make that happen. You can take control of the Institute on paper, but you can't actually control them. Presumably, if you were actually in control, you could free the synths and bring your technology above ground to help rebuild, but you're pretty much stuck following Father's path. You control the Minutemen, but you can't really command them to do anything in particular that might help for a more favorable outcome... such as bargaining with the BoS along the lines of 'Hey, we'll destroy the institute and means of synth production if you leave and don't murder the remaining synths'. The RR quest line artificially forces you to be hostile towards the BoS in a mission that should easily have a covert angle where the BoS shouldn't even know you in particular stole a thing they wanted.

The Fo4 story is just a sad mess. It forces 'tough choices' on you, which might be a good plot angle, but it does it in a forced way when there are obvious alternatives not open to you. By ignoring the obvious alternatives, it ruins any good story that could have existed. No matter which way you go, you'll lose immersion and be forced to mechanically slaughter NPCs you were once friendly with...all the while thinking 'this is such BS...frack you braindead writers!'. Hopefully DLC fixes it. Fallout 3 had a similarly dumb ending until Broken Steel fixed it.... the whole, 'why can't my robot or super mutant friend, who are immune to radiation, do this thing involving high radiation?! why can't I rig a simple button pressing device?'

My advice, just ignore the ending quests until you're ready to be done with the playthrough, then svck it up and pick a side. Plow through it so you can see what happens, then move on. You won't feel satasfied at all. There are a few interesting aftermath quests you get, but the world feels silly afterwards and it kind of ruins the experience. Bethesda games are always amazingly fun, but critically flawed until DLC and mods fix them.

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