Good. I always do good first. I find I get the most out of the game for the first playthrough being good. Once I compete the game for the first time, I can refine my rp.
Law-abiding criminal
Basically a do-gooder until a gun is required.
Fallout is pretty much the only game where it's oh so rewarding to be bad.
My characters are usually Chaotic Neutral. Not evil so won't go out of their way to hurt people for no reason or to get off on causing mayhem, and certainly not a goody-two-shoes wasteland girl scout so won't be running errands and helping random people out of the goodness of their heart, but they will do what suits them and their goals.
Should be an option for "I don't know." My first characters always just go with the flow. I definitely won't plan my actions based on what kind of karma I get from it. Probably I'll end up trending towards good, but it doesn't always work out that way.
Stupidly good, like superman boy scout levels of good. No stealing, no harming friendly or neutral NPCs, no starting fights (the enemy has to shoot first), must always attempt to defuse situations without violence and cannot kill enemies that surrender or run away.
Good with good peoples, evil psychopath against bad guys.
I try not to let karma define a character, and there is never a specific karma I strive to label my character as. My character will make their choices and whatever the game feels like labeling them morally, it can.
I always play a person completes quests with the "good" outcome and I never kill innocent people, only evil ones, but I steal so much that I end up having bad karma anyway haha. I wish the karma system in Fallout wasn't so simple and black and white but what can you do. *shrugs*
Plus it's just too hard to get good karma compared to bad, at least in NV it was. I think you could just buy your righteousness in Fallout 3 by donating a relatively small amount of caps to a hobo haha, lame. It's like karma didn't even matter much in that game because of that.
I always play a good role even in my second play through; or neutral. It is not in me - even in video games - to act evil or being a jerk. Sure, even when I play a good character, I sometimes do certain things that are considered "evil" or "immoral" by real life standards - specially when you want to fool around with the npc's just to see their reaction - but to act evil as a set way of life or should I say, as a way of playing, is really not in me.
Good most likely, then Neutral, Evil just feels so moronic and boring
I am Chaotic Good! After all, you can't make positive changes without a few explosions and wiping out a couple of armies.
Really depends! In Fallout 3 you couldn't have anywhere near as good a companion if you was bad compared to being good. For that reason maybe good. But if it is balanced in Fallout 4 then bad and wreckless.
I'll be neutral.
That means i'll share my water, provided i have enough. And i won't just kill people without a good reason, but holding a really neat weapon that i want is a good reason.
I voted neutral, though In the end, it won't really matter which karma you choose. Other than a few NPC's reacting to you differently, you're still tagged as the good guy saving the day, just going about it in a chaotic way.
One of the main problems with doing an 'evil playthrough' in Bethesda RPGs (or any RPG for that matter with the exception of games like Shadow of the Colossus where you didn't find out you were playing as the antagonist until the very end) is, you're never really truly evil. The most you can aspire to be is a jerk, chaotic [censored] who is ultimately tasked with the purpose of fighting off a greater evil who is the tagged as the true antagonist.
If you could truly become the ultimate antagonist, where another NPC would be ultimately tasked with becoming the protagonist (due to your choice to evolve into the antagonist), tracking you down for an inevitable showdown between good and evil, with you emerging as the victorious antagonist who has conquered the world, then that would be a true 'evil playthrough'.
Don't know yet. They may slip into madness as the game progresses depending on the situation. But we'll start neutral and take it from there.