The first playthrough experience in these games has always been best orientated towards a good karma playthrough, so I almost always go with that. For example, the bad karma route in Fallout 3 costs you an entire main settlement, of which there are really only two. It also puts you on bad terms with your father and whatnot. New Vegas was more grey in the terms of morals, but a pure evil playthrough usually put you rolling on the path of the Legion, which has the worst, and least polished storyline of any of the factions.
I usually go through my first playthrough as if I was the one in the situation and I always end up in a neutral to mid-range good karmic standing. I don't go out of my way to help people who I don't think deserve it, and if put in the position to decide the fate of someone, I weigh their own karmic standing and deliver the justice I see fit. In the end, I usually end up as the morally ambiguous character who's more concerned with his own well-being in this post-apocalyptic world, rather than catering to others out of the goodness of his heart.
On later playthroughs, once I have grasp on the new mechanics, I design a backstory for my characters and then play as if I were them, which could go down multiple moral pathways.
My characters never abide by the whole "good vs evil" thing. I absolutely loathe the idea of a karma system and assigning those kinds of labels to factions, especially when it's considered good karma to kill people
I'll eventually roll characters that fit every ending possible, but my first character will most likely follow whatever path helps the most people and doesn't lead to mass murder (Enclave or Legion-esque). The majority of my characters won't be martyrs, but they'll be survivors (like Joel).
Good, evil, it's a matter of perception, right?
I will help those who help me and destroy those against me, whether it be physically or mentally.
(I often prefer more creative ways (indirect murder), like making NPC's walk in their own frag mine or leaving Benny when he got taken by Caesar )
So I guess it's neutral for me, I like having the option to act both "good" and "bad"
Goodish... I planning for my character to be a sort of Chaotic Good/Chaotic Neutral alignment.
I generally always play good in RPG's. I will eventually (after many characters) play some evil person just so I can do certain factions that I feel require it (like the Dark Brotherhood) but that will basically be that PC's sole purpose.
Yes, I hope the story can have different outcomes.
Good ending, neutral or evil ending, somewhat similar to Dishonored?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who finds it exhilarating.
The karma system like most if not all systems of its kind is flawed.
The system equates Good with being intelligent, having foresight, benevolent etc. It equates evil with being out for short sighted gain, hamfisted, stupid, cruel etc.
I will allways end up as "good" on the scale because I tend to choose the obvious foresighted, intelligent etc solutions. Not out of the goodness of my heart, but because having a good reputation, having alot of favours owed, and having people tip you off if someone asks too many questions, is just plain smarter than clobbering someone in the gob for the next item I could use. With a good reputation allso comes a shield of perception: People assume Im good and that I am perhaps naiive. Im quite happy with being under estimated. It means I can hedge my bets. And if things go [censored] up and I am found out or if people go after me with an axe, I can blame a momentary lapse of reason, and likely get support. Its basic guerilla warfare small unit tactics.
Saviour - with a healthy dose of self-interest (I will help others but not to my detriment (unless it's something that might help in the long run as I am not someone who's extremely into short-term gains)) one will look out for you in the wastes (well, not many - maybe the people you help will, like in Fallout: NV where you get that radio for helping out the NCR)
greetings LAX
Id prefer scrapping the Karma system alltogether and just have reputations, and difficult moral choises.
Iven if i set out to be evil, i'm just a svcker for ladies in destress and people down on their luck. I always end up forcing myself to act evil and that makes me feel less inmersed in my character. I simply dont have the capacity to RP an actual evil PC and often stray into either Neutral or Good again.
I'll mostly be good karma but i'll try one or two characters that'll do things for a price.
On the 1st playthrough where i won't role-play anyone, i will try to stay neutral for sure.
Goody-two-shoes but with an unforgiving thirst for vengeance.
If a game is done well, as Fallout and others are, then they can actually make ME, the player, feel bad for actions that my character takes. If the world is that engrossing, I find it hard to be 'evil'.
Frankly, I find it hard to -want- to be evil, even. Of course, what I consider evil and what others consider evil may vary a bit. I will steal just about anything as long as it's not vitally important to someone (like their food, or their only weapon to fight off trouble) but I view it more as an impishly selfish impulse kind of thing, a need to hoard stuff.
I won't ~start~ fights with most people but I will put -down- someone who does something I don't like. This is where I stray into the 'evil' territory because I don't let things go: if I spot a slaver pushing his slaves around, I'll snipe him without a second thought (and be crushed if it turns out the guy was rescuing the slaves or was a slave forced to pose as a guard to lure me out).... if a slaver tries to give up, chances are good I will not give him the chance. If an NPC tricks me, or otherwise reveals himself to be evil when I did not realize he was, he gets on The List and even to my own detriment I will hunt him down and end him.
Like that guy in Fallout New Vegas near the Goodsprings wells, who tells you his girlfriend is trapped by Geckos.... when that guy revealed himself to be a liar, he signed his own death warrant, even if he hadn't drawn a weapon on me.
LOVE me some revenge melodramas.
The only way I can play evil is to go full twirling-moustache cackling maniacally insane evil bastard. Almost a cartoon parody. There was an evil super-scientist race of, like, gerbils or something in Wildstar that I could play as evil. Not sure I could do it in Fallout, though. I suppose I could pick the Cannibal perk but even then I'd feel obligated to only eat bad guys and run away from good guys who (rightly) saw me as a monster and attacked.
First playthrough? I am a good guy who kills those who deserve.
At some point I will do a No or Almost No kill game. Later on, I will do a kill everything game. Then I will get all mid-evil and do a Mr Grinch game where I steal from everyone even the orphans and working poor after I kill them and won't leave crumbs suitable for a Mole Rat.
Probably neutral the first time around, unless something in the game's story or systems that we don't know about yet draws me to be more good or evil.
I've just been assuming my plan for a mentally unstable plasma spaz hell bent on creating an ultimate robot society is going to translate into some very bad karma.
I find it hard to roleplay characters that I find evil in some regard. They can have some bias and prejudice to them sure, but I couldnt go as far as to play a Nord warrior that outright hated elves and non-nords, but instead feels more at ease around his native people.
For Fallout 4 my character can best be summed up as "Chaotic Good". Depending of course how far he is willing to take his personal dream in rebuilding society, how extremist he gets. Im sure a lot of things will change from my basic plan when im actually ingame, but all of my characters seem to turn out Good Karma at least.