Well, they beat the crap out of them in everything else. And Bioware is no longer Bioware. It's a matter of time before Beth puts the final nail in that coffin. When they say their going to work on something to improve it, they usually do. Bethesda is a far better, more responsive, developer who actually improves their games from one iteration to the next; as opposed to a developer who destroys anything good about their games so you have no clue what to expect from their next one.
Bethesda also would never mock and lecture their fans about artistic integrity if they couldn't manage to properly end a trilogy of their flagship franchise.
Sorry about the rant, disgruntled, recently exiled, ex Bio fan here.
Bethesda may not take the story telling crown with FO4, but they most certainly will improve upon their previous efforts, and their game world will still be spectacular. Bioware will, more than likely, just continue to fade.