» Wed Jul 13, 2011 12:52 am
I honestly don't understand the "it doesn't feel like there's been a nuclear war" argument. I mean, the point of New Vegas IS that it survived the Great War. It's the one city that somehow survived. That's what makes it unique, that's why it gets it's own Fallout. Of course it's gonna be more advanced than other areas we've visited. But just because New Vegas has a society and a functioning economy, that excuses the decaying buildings, the lack of life and the giant radioactive geckos everywhere? Sure ok.
Other than that, I honestly don't get why it's so important. Like if I buy Dead Space 2 or something and it has less zero-G scenes than Dead Space one, I don't complain and say "it just didn't feel like space enough!" Wtf who cares, it's still a good game and it still fits in it's setting.