Not talking about "Special" encounters.
I'm just talking about going down to Dry Lake at lvl 30 and finding a group of cazador's, Nightkin, Desert Rangers or Legion Frumentarii(??).
Stuff like that yknow.
To have some zones where it's possible for enemies scaled to your level to spawn.
Right now the only places which are a challenge are to the west of Vegas, north-east part of map and deathclaw quarry/promoinotoryasdioaslkn(???).
Not even if I put on a grimy pre war suit and go out with a 10mm submachine gun is any of the enemies on the southern half of the map of any challenge at all.
oint is, once I reach mid-level, there is no point in exploring the southern half of the map cause everything down there is cakewalk.
Adding level scaled random encounter zones would mix things up and there will be parts where things will be challenging.
(This would not replace fixed spawns nor would this mean that we would meet level scaled enemies every 30 meters like in Fallout 3)