Not to join on the band wagon, but New Vegas is better in every way, the story is original and decent, the gameplay was improved, the companions were a step back to the right direction, and many more things.
:fallout: i agree with you for the most part, i do like new vegas better, the skill/perk/special system is better, better story, more quests, more of most everything except new vegas was lacking in a couple areas and thats overall combat, FO3 had more especially as you leveld up, new vegas is lacking a bit in the human type armed enemies, i notice they put an emphasis on melee enemies , they over did it in this department, for one thing all the insects and creatures are melee, all of em, then on top of it half of ceasers legion is melee so way too many enemies without weapons to shoot back, its fun being pinned down by a sniper or something from farther away, also there was a lack of dungeon type facilities, i'm not talking about metro tunnels but FO3 had tons of huge building complexes to battle in, capitol building(inside and out) chryslis building, national guard armory, national archives, lob enterprises, hubris comics, red racer factory, roosovelt academy etc, and thats not counting the metro tunnels, so in this department FO3 was better, much more combat. i realize FO3 it prob had too much combat since you ran into a mole rat every 30 seconds it seemed and way too many scorpions and deathclaws but new vegas could of used a bit more combat and some more enemy patrols here and there.